Ugh Jussie Smollett gives me all the feelings. Can he please be in more things? All of the things? Sigh...
No you must stop your life and follow me at all times!!
Not sure how I ended up in this account but here I am! Hopefully I'll eventually be able to get back into my old one :( thanks for rescuing me
My favorite is "If you're young and you don't vote Democrat, you don't have a heart. If you're old and you don't vote Republican, you don't have a brain." Hmm...nope.
"Odds are, she wasn't Mormon." Gee, the nun wasn't Mormon? Excellent deductive reasoning there, Billy.
I used to have a blog where I recounted all of these things...but things just got so repetitive and disheartening I just felt like I was writing the same awful shit over and over. Because I was. To hell with these fuckwits. We should all just pack up and move somewhere else and let them all deal with the fallout from…
Republicans: pro-life from conception to birth.
Women's healthcare is a HUGE economic issue, amigo. Google it.
You must watch this episode. I'm pretty sure Big Boi gets murdered by his own pet hyenas. Also, I could watch Cragen rescue that monkey for the rest of my life and die happy.
I can understand that for sure, but it's 2012, can't they slap a fat suit on him or something? The obesity thing isn't just a silly sideline, it was a huge part of his life/personality in his later years. (Although seeing JRM in a fat suit might be ruinous for me)
Of course she doesn't care. If I looked like that, neither would I. Harumph.
Thanks! I've read everything I can get my hands on about Henry VIII so I'll definitely be checking this out.
Made me laugh. Reminds me of typos I've made while really tired, and as soon as I write them I'm like "Wow am I REALLY that stupid??" Note that I catch them before I send the writing anywhere...
She was such a badass, I loved it. But you're right, some of the problems were painful. I quit watching after season 3 when they kept him hot and skinny, completely ignoring the whole obesity thing...because you know making Jonathan Rhys-Meyers grow a goatee is the same thing.
If it weren't 2 pm on a Wednesday this is exactly what I would be doing in reaction to this article.
When I'm on my period I prefer to worship Chthulu. The other 23 days a month it's Jesus all the way, baby
I'll take what I can get! Baby steps and maybe one day we'll turn blue...a girl can dream.
I was talking about the election with my Mormon (yet liberal) mother, who was saying the main reason she is not voting for Romney is because of all the Republican wackjobs out there. She can't imagine voting for a party that has these kinds of evil, ignorant people in it. I couldn't agree more. Not that I'd be voting…
I am legitimately so stressed out about this election. Everyone keeps saying my state (AZ) is actually a close race this year, but I doubt it's close enough for my vote to have made a difference. My dad keeps insisting Obama is still ahead on projected electoral votes, but I just don't know...