For the love of all that is holy, someone get the little guy some tiny sunglasses!!
For the love of all that is holy, someone get the little guy some tiny sunglasses!!
Oh my that's horrifying. Did the choreographer also make you do spirit fingers?
The remote part made me snort out loud. Recent hilarious Jezebel articles are making me look like a freak in my office.
I don't consider it "morbid and disgusting" just "stupid and creepy." Seriously parents, nobody cares as much as you do so keep that ish to yourself.
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
I loved Vivian Banks, she was so badass (the first one, not so much the second one). I still watch that show religiously whenever I see it on TV.
NPR did a story about it the other day and I'd never really learned much about it...but after the story I'm definitely going to try and catch some of it. It sounds really interesting to watch.
If you are studying to become a social worker or a therapist, theoretically it's because you want to help people. How then can you turn around and refuse to help someone? If you're that kind of person you probably shouldn't be a social worker in the first place...jackasses.
As a needle-phobe, I have NEVER had a shot where I didn't notice...your doctor must have been good! I've only recently (I'm 25) stopped hyperventilating when it's time to get shots/get blood drawn. Mostly because I'm aware of how the nurses have very little patience when it comes to putting up with panicking…
Sounds like you're the exception, rather than the rule. Your reasoning makes perfect sense to me, but I doubt the majority of these parents are delaying shots for the same reason.
Since when can you bring dogs into zoos? I'm missing the point, aren't I?
I'm sorry, I'm surprised anyone made it past the thought process of "those are the stupidest, ugliest shoes ever created" to even consider the greater cultural/ethical implications. BECAUSE SRSLY PPL...LOOK AT THEM
Are people calling them Mandles yet, or can I copyright that?
Only if you ad lib and decide to add raisins (ants on a nip?)
Yesterday my fiancee bought new shorts from Old Navy. How could I have been so blind?!
It's been a while since I've laughed 'till I cried at an article...I had candy in my mouth and unceremoniously drooled on myself at #19 (although according to Cosmo this is probably sexy, yes?)
There's a difference between a kid getting fed up and standing up to a bully and a teacher sanctioning this kind of behavior. Maybe this will help the kid, but I have the feeling that he already thinks violence is the correct solution to his problems, and an authority figure just affirmed this view by using it herself…
I had to pause the video to comment on this: when the Bangladeshi man says "before the brothel district, women couldn't go out on the street without being molested." That makes me so sick - making it the women's fault and the women's responsibility to rectify the fact that these men are animals who can't keep their…
Raccoons are so adorable, but everything I have heard about them makes me think I would never want to semi-domesticate them/train them to think my house = food paradise.
I was always jealous of Canada and their Medicine Hat, but now that I know we have Elephant Butte I feel better.