"Sorry, sir, I was going to do this training course but then I realized Macy's was having their super Saturday sale and I just REALLY need some new pumps"
"Sorry, sir, I was going to do this training course but then I realized Macy's was having their super Saturday sale and I just REALLY need some new pumps"
I love how every one of his arguments does nothing to prove that women shouldn't be allowed, because everything he says that Rangers are "all about" applies very easily to women as well. He's not making any sort of point! Besides the point that he's a douche nozzle.
Haha no all the "sexy" articles are the same thing. I actually find it incredibly amusing to see how they manage to write the same thing in different ways month after month. I feel like that is its own special talent. The parts I like the best are the actual articles (god I sound like a guy reading Playboy but it's…
The author should definitely have specified - the "crazy restrictive abortion law" they mentioned is actually 3 bills in total. The linked article mentions that the 20 week bill wasn't considered in this vote. The only bill that passed here was the one requiring extra inspections/regulations for disposal of…
He couldn't last SEVEN DAYS? Dear lord...when I hear "sex boycott" I think months, but apparently we'll win in a week. I think we can do this, ladies.
I'm 25 and I admit I have a subscription...because how else would I get my monthly "100/50/20 sex tricks/games/activities to please/tease/love your man" fix?
I had the same reaction. YES. YES IT IS. Because he is a big rich millionaire who doesn't give 2 sh*ts about the little people unless he is gaining something from them (their votes...their money...) I wish people would wake up and see this.
That's so fantastic. I hope your dentist was a Republican just because I think that would have totally weirded him out.
Tennessee is probably pissed they didn't think of this first.
This makes me nervous because I am going to have to find a part-time job to put myself through grad school. Or do I get to be one of those people who steals the jobs from teenagers? Because I'm ok with that.
So much water coming out of my face
Maybe he's watching a taped game from the 90s on VHS?...ok probably not.
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth and 4 molars extracted at the same time. I resent you so much.
I called my doctor a dirty liar to his face. I'd had outpatient nose surgery and he told me it wouldn't hurt. Obviously he was lying, but I was too naive to realize that until it was too late.
I had my own video camera when I was young and made all sorts of TV shows and movies with my Beanie Babies. I have no idea where those tapes are anymore and the fact that they are probably still out there terrifies me.
I want to go on this show just to be like "I want the smallest possible living space because fuck entertaining."
I still love this show, but maybe I will just turn it into a drinking game (one shot every time they say they want to have space "for entertaining" because they "love to entertain).
That made my day
I'll be expecting my Coke in the mail