Bring your big purse and stuff it full of dinner rolls
Bring your big purse and stuff it full of dinner rolls
It took me over a year to find a full time job after I graduated in '09. Six months in, I realized I HATED I started looking for another one, assuming that since I had already had a job it would be easier. Over a year of that, and no dice, so I'm going back to graduate school to switch fields.
I am very glad those girls are safe, this is a tragic situation, etc., but Kyliyah? Come on...
I learned the other day from him that the ancient Cambodians lived with dinosaurs. So fun!
I would love to trade Bristol to a roving tribesman in exchange for some goats. Then we'll see how she feels about "traditional marriage."
Same. I applied for a job at MAC and got the most derogatory looks from the the lady who interviewed me. I even put on eyeshadow for the interview! Just because I don't wear gobs of makeup doesn't mean I can't put gobs of makeup on other people.
When I awoke this morning, I discovered my engagement ring had dissolved into dust and I was married to my cat. Curses on you, gays, with your insistence on equal rights. Now look what you've done!
Can we get some kind of petition going? "People who would never have sex with Jesse Peterson." I feel like it would be a long list.
Maybe I'm completely missing something here, but why is the effectiveness rate so different for gay and straight men (44 vs 75%)?
That sucks, but if it gets put through, doesn't that open up the opportunity for other drug manufacturers to start making generic, cheaper versions? I don't know much about the pharmaceutical industry, but I thought that's how that works. I know of course that could take years, but the sooner we start the process the…
The high ground is admirable, but so much less fun. If only someone could have commented with the *spelling corrections....anyway yes I was friends with someone similar to that guy. After a few rounds of similar debates where he just completely missed the point but continued to troll every article I posted, it…
I hope so! I'm seriously split 50/50 on how I see this turning out. I can only hope sanity prevails. I'm going to go play some Eye of the Tiger and get pumped up.
That is better than anything I could have hoped for.
I'm sorry, the Log Cabin Repubs are blaming Obama for the fact that Amendment 1 passed? Not, oh I don't know, THEIR OWN PARTY WHOSE IDEA IT WAS? And since when is it Obama's fault that there are enough bigoted, hateful people in NC to pass that kind of amendment?
I wish I owned a jewelry shop. I would jack up the price for pearl re-stringing right about...NOW
An alarmingly large portion of Americans are also blatantly ignorant to reality.
Same. Just makes me want to campaign for him now. We have work to do, 'Merica!
Valid point...but I'm still worried. The GOP is going to beat this to DEATH (I'm sure the Fox News headquarters are just abuzz right now) and maybe it'll convince people who weren't going to vote at all to vote against him now. I obviously hope this isn't the case, and I hope there are also people who are going to…
Don't worry, I was referring just to the people at that party. I know there are plenty of you sane, rational people out there. I just wish there weren't so many crazies to counterbalance. (I'm from Arizona...I understand what it's like to be in the logical minority).