Lisasaur got Kinja'd

Congratulations! You're all bigots!

I am simultaneously groaning and snickering

I get high blood pressure during my commute because people in the DMV area drive like morons. This is no secret.

I don't think anyone is upset because of the democratic process. Pretty sure people are upset that there are enough people in North Carolina to go ahead and pass something like this.

"I've never asked for anyone else to believe what I do" except we're going to go ahead and pass all sorts of laws so you are forced to abide by my moral codes. Yes that makes sense.

My fiancee and I have multiple conversations about moving out of the country if Obama loses the election. We're trying to figure out the best places to go that aren't too expensive. Suggestions and free housing welcomed!

Kirsten Dunst looked like Mrs. Claus and Diane Kruger was completely dwarfed by that purple monstrosity. I thought hardly anyone at the ball actually looked good. Is it so hard to be fashion forward but also pick something that looks good on you? I'm asking seriously, because I shop at Old Navy.

This was way too normal

Thank god for North Carolina, protecting us from teh gays. Now straight people can f*ck around on each other in peace!

Hill is too busy being awesome to worry about makeup.

My parents wouldn't even let me ride in the back of a pickup truck. I got my thrills from riding in the tiny backwards seat in my friend's station wagon. Rock on.

I really just want to know about the logistics of this. Were they lined up on the hood? What was used to strap them down? I swear I'm not asking for any nefarious reasons, I don't even have kids...I'm just intrigued...

I didn't realize they were real either. Upon googling, I was disappointed to find out that they are just scissors for cutting pizza, not scissors made out of pizza. I swear I'm not high.

A man against big government who actually sticks to his statement and opposes big government? I barely even know how to process this information. Sure I don't agree, but I have a hell of a lot more respect for him than I do pretty much every other Republican out there.

Can't agree more. It's such a relic - how much longer until the government wises up and does away with it??

I never said your generation was raised to believe they were owed anything. I said OUR generation was raised to believe that, although I'm not referring to myself. And no, I did not grow up in a bubble thinking I was immune to the human condition. My point was that the majority of my peers were raised by our parents


Oh damn. Then was it good for ANYBODY? Where did this myth come from?

I, for one, feel misled. Not intentionally, because obviously our parents wanted things to be good for us, but they had no idea what was coming/what it would be like and then all of a sudden we find ourselves in this incredibly crappy situation, after being trained for the opposite our entire lives, and all of a

I would love for all the people who graduated during a time of economic prosperity to have to try and survive as a recent grad right now. People call us self-entitled brats because we were raised by our baby boomer parents to expect things to work for us, not turn into the unbelievable shitstorm that it is right now.