Lisasaur got Kinja'd


While I respect her decision, I cannot accept it. WE NEED YOU, HILLZ.

Flip that hair, KK

I would like to point out that Romney also referred to Russia as the Soviet Union. We are screwed.

At least this is slightly more creative than "conservative politician caught with gay hooker in truck stop restroom high on meth." Props for originality.

I tried to put a harness on my cat yesterday and you would have thought he was being mercilessly tortured. I feel like these poor cats' spirits have been broken and they're too dead inside to protest.

Yes. This.

For me, it's her dead, soulless eyes

Moses and Abraham? I think it's meant to be.

I would watch Idris Elba as Finnick. Don't care that he is not at all right for the part...I'd still watch

Jessica Simpson's baby is SCREWED

I finally got around to watching Girl With the Dragon Tattoo last night (wanted to read the book first) and I would really prefer to never have to think of "forced sodomy" ever again.

Good for her! This is a way to actually fight back and make things fair, instead of having people write her off as overly litigious and just another money seeker. And she has a very valid point, that airlines need to be a lot more clear about this policy if they are going to reserve the right to kick you off a plane.

My dad and I do this as well. Love.

My kid's going to be 1/4 Pakistani. BOO YA, Brunstetter!

I didn't catch that. Well played, Obama administration!

I guess I understand why they couldn't put in a cute little infographic about Julia having an abortion during college...but man, that would have been awesome.

I would give him an A for effort but I was too busy throwing up in my own mouth

I'm sorry, he attracts women while dressed like a 1920s motorcycle pirate? I'm skeptical.

My first reaction was "Ughhh so much pink?!" but hey, it sounds like a great time and I'm glad those girls go to enjoy themselves. More power to them.