"If they want our business, then we will not be ignored!"
"If they want our business, then we will not be ignored!"
I guess they just wanted to cover all their bases
I was referring to the article, not the ballot, but I'm glad to hear at least it's clear there. Hopefully people will pay attention and not go blindly in with preconceived notions of what everything is.
My brain is bleeding
I had to read that part three or four times and was still confused about whether Amendment 1 is for or against gay marriage. That part was poorly written.
I guess it's hard for me to understand how those issues would be more important to you than your rights as a human being. Ok so the government controls its spending but they treat you like a second class citizen. Is it worth it?
So they think they should be allowed to withhold funding, because even if money doesn't go to abortions, it means that PP will have more money from elsewhere to use on abortions?
20 seconds in and I was already laughing. Pornanormal Activity much?
And this guy is going to remain a Republican after they just demonstrated how they feel about him? I don't get it.
I find them extremely comfortable, but only in the privacy of my own home where I'm not flaunting every curve of my ass to complete strangers. (I support the war on leggings).
When you have to constantly tell people you are a fun and crazy person, that's usually a bad sign.
Oh god. I just threw up in my mouth a little.
"Harsh other people's squee"
Ew. I'm not a germaphobe by any means but I can't handle dogs licking people's mouths. It just skeeves me out. Any dogs that lick too much freak me out though. My brother's dogs are nonstop lickers and I can't stand it. Maybe if they were my dogs I'd feel differently but seriously dog, STOP LICKING MY PANTS that's…
YES YES a thousand times yes! I must have watched that 80 times. Disney needs to do a throwback week or something, because now I have a craving for some Piper/Maree action (I think those were their names)
I could never foster because I would end up as an animal hoarder. Kudos to you.
I cannot handle this
My lack of desire to see girls dancing on bars has nothing to do with their weight/appearance. I just hate seeing all people dance on bars. Do you really need attention THAT badly?
I know someone who knows someone (ha) whose (white) family is from South Africa but he was born here. He lists himself as African American on everything. It amuses me because technically it's true but you know it just freaks people out.
Did someone also find a way to blame this on Obamacare?