I thought we were making fun of it because he sounds like a 19th century aristocrat. "Elizabeth darling, do tell the chambermaid to wash my linens this morning." At least that's what I was thinking.
I thought we were making fun of it because he sounds like a 19th century aristocrat. "Elizabeth darling, do tell the chambermaid to wash my linens this morning." At least that's what I was thinking.
Oh Romney u so silly.
Of course Romney's practical joke involved firing someone. That's his favorite thing to do to begin with.
I don't think you're ever too young to learn that you shouldn't hire hookers. Life lessons, Timmy.
These women need to stop complaining and just remember why they married their husbands in the first place. Problem solved.
Just watching them is making me exhausted. Time for a nap.
He's probably just out on adventure with a talking raccoon and a sarcastic owl. He will be back before you know it! Stay strong.
After approximately 19,000 incidents of my water glass being knocked over onto my phone while I slept, I invested in a water bottle. I highly recommend it - they're clearly bored with it because they haven't even tried to knock it over since I got it.
My cat doesn't do the purr thing, he does the pathetic meow coupled with wide, sad eyes. I can't help myself and then I pour him a couple more kibble. I'm so weak.
I thought it sounded familiar, and then figured it just happened again, because let's be honest. Catholic priest.
Speak for yourself, Doug Barry, my powerpoint presentations where the awesome. I used the shit out of animations. They were like mini parties for your eyeballs.
I'll call this: "The Betrayal"
That baby is a trooper. She ate them anyway! I'm impressed.
Thank you! I actually confused myself trying to write it correctly. Noted for the future.
That worked out incredibly conveniently for both of them -not trying to say the experience was easy, but what are the odds a closeted transgender male ends up with a closeted lesbian? Good for them!
Great Odin's Raven that was adorable
Welcome to America!
Nope. I loved it. Whoever wrote that had some kind of fetish.
I'm sorry, that's what you get for going to Bob Jones University.