Lisasaur got Kinja'd

Ha they say at the end "I think the cat likes you, Matt"

When you pick one of my cats up she makes the most awful noises, like you're torturing her. It's not good for my self esteem.

Holy shit that's not a cat that's a puma

Life vests would just get in the way of the ogling

Well yeah because honestly what else do these men care about?

I think they want the PP workers to go "Oh, a gender-based abortion? SUPER! Come on in, we'll give you a discount, because we love to give everyone abortions all the time for any reason." Or something?

Luckily they have enough money to pay for his inevitable therapy, after his school friends get their hands on that book

Kelda Helen Roys is my new girl crush. And Grothman is a disgusting coward who makes me physically ill.

How is this company still in business?

I'm not sure what just happened but I really want a margarita for some reason

If she said "Ok" then I don't see how she has any legal recourse. A judge will care what you said, not what you were "really actually thinking." Although being 14, there's probably a statutory charge in there somewhere.

"I'm not anti-gay — look, I hired a gay man! I'm so progressive!"

I'm glad my parents never did this — Lotte looks like she's always been a cute girl, but hot damn I had some awkward phases during my childhood that I would rather not revisit (still pics are bad enough!)

That was far more disturbing than I was expecting

That's almost as good of a story as the time when my twin sister and I tried to save our godmother's dude ranch from her evil son.

Bow chicka bow wow?

I can see how after a gazillion seasons of the same thing they wanted to mix it up. That being said, I love all three of those men so I am still sad.

I'm glad I saw the edit before finishing the article, because I spent the first few sentences laughing hysterically at how ridiculous it was. RU-486 makes more sense, not that it's a good thing.

Darwinism in action

My kids are going to be vaccine pincushions. Explain to me why would I want to risk them getting these diseases?