Just bring your prom pictures to your hair/makeup appointment and tell them "the opposite of this" ;)
Just bring your prom pictures to your hair/makeup appointment and tell them "the opposite of this" ;)
Seriously what job board do I need to use to be hired as a Baby Bear Holder? I'LL DO ANYTHING
Maybe they should focus on having not-shitty service/phones/customer service policies instead. Just sayin'.
I hope that penguin brushed his beak thoroughly afterwards
Personally I think her ring is fugly. Looks all space-agey and like it came out of a gumball machine.
So you are re-posting your own articles now?
My dad loved and supported me and yet I still managed to grow up with my head OUTSIDE of my own ass.
When I got engaged I felt bad enough having to spend a few hours on the phone with the fam/texting friends to let them know (but it had to be done). And I waited to put it on Facebook because it's about getting ENGAGED not about having strangers "thumbs up" your stupid life. Perspective, people. Jeezus.
This isn't exactly groundbreaking. Obviously Mitt and Co. loved the opportunity given to them by Rosen, and obviously were psyched when they finally had an opportunity to not seem like a bunch of misogynistic douches. This is politics. No sh*t.
I barely remember anything about either of my proms. I enjoyed getting to dress up/get my hair done, but that was about the extent of it. Senior year I had to drive my date in my own car because he had a motorcycle. A limo would have been fun but it just was not my style to demand extravagant crap like that.
And aren't people who kill/torture animals usually serial killers?
Oh my god I want to squeeze him (gently)
I totally agree with you. It's absolute B.S. and another way to push their agenda, but my point was just that it's not like there's better science out there to work with (although I'm surprised no one has come up with anything yet). But no, legislators should not be making medical decisions or basing laws off of…
No no, Arizona is the opposite. They want you to have as many babies as your body can handle. Because Jesus.
I hate to break it to you but that's how all states define the moment of conception, because that's how doctors define the moment of conception. As of right now there's no science that can be more accurate, so that's what we have to work with. Arizona is just being typically douchey and pointing it out.
I wish more Republicans were like your uncle. Actually thinking logically about the consequences of things in real life, not just hugging their Bibles and pretending they don't hear you.
I am not nine, adorable, or creative in anyway. I have boobs, but I am not going to be showing them. The odds aren't looking very good for me.
I feel like it would have also worked with turkeys. I'm not sure why but turkeys scare the crap out of me.
Angry demon blonde girl does not appreciate your questions
"Any questions?"