Lisasaur got Kinja'd

Ha! On the contrary I think you should let her do it so you can giggle to yourself.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Posting about it for a month, demanding people treat you specially and demanding extra attention is not ok.

I know nothing about mental illness and have never interacted with anyone with autism or a mental illness, but I absolutely cannot understand how these people considered that to be an effective treatment. Tackling, restraining, and torturing a kid because he won't take his coat off? How on earth does that seem like it

I'm going to start one of these and ask people to pay off my upcoming grad school tuition. Just to see what happens.

Nowadays it's considered acceptable to "register" for a honeymoon in addition to wedding presents. So if you don't feel like shelling out for a sterling silver ladle for a couple, you can donate towards their honeymoon. I actually kind of like the idea only because the honeymoon I want is really expensive...but I know

I know a girl who celebrates her birthday all G.D. month long. She's almost 25 for chrissakes, the last thing I need is my news feed full of her narcissistic birthday posts. No one cares anymore, sweetie.

I agree with Rosen's sentiment and thought her defense was well-written. Maybe she didn't phrase it the best way or it came across wrong, but her point is still spot on. Ann Romney doesn't understand the plight of the working class mother, because she has never BEEN a working class mother. Therefore both her and Mitt

My mom is convinced that my current hatred of math stems from my 2nd grade teacher being mean to me about it. I'll go ahead and use that as an excuse.

Keep ranting, honey. Hillary will be off being an incredibly intelligent and successful politician while you work for Scott Walker. Nuff said.

I would neck chop the shit out of Santorum. I can't help it.

I write a blog on women's issues and unfortunately Wisconsin pops up just as often as Arizona (and I'm from Arizona). Welcome to the dark side.

Those aren't crazy eyes. Those are dead inside eyes.

They weren't married yet. And Mary got knocked up without having any dirty sex at all, which is obv the best way to go about things.

I didn't realize skating rinks still existed. Haven't been inside one since my 5th grade birthday party.

I don't even speak French but thought the accent sounded off. Was it just a bad accent or was the grammar also bad? Just wondering.

My mom had cancer and all she got out of it was weight loss, heartburn, and a broken foot (the day after she finished radiation). I would never wish cancer on anybody...but these people...they really make me so mad.

What is step #4? they just not thing all the way through? Because eventually SOMEBODY is going to notice you're not dying.

I love how they make a big fuss about this when Scott Walker goes ahead and passes a bill basically allowing businesses to pay women less than men. But those women have a job so shouldn't be complaining, amirite?

Newest internet meme? I think so.

And conservatives want to deny these parents the right to have an abortion? If anyone should be getting one, it's that girl.