Flossie Dickey's Personal Assistant

“I guess if using his family and a “culture of toxic masculinity” to do it didn’t work he’s moving on to the next thing to try to avoid being asked tough questions.” Maybe they should do an interview-type therapy session, or a therapy-type interview, all of it on camera, livestream so he can field questions from the

I dunno. I mean these days Nate isn’t himself. He doesn’t enjoy eating the way he used to (and not many people know this but Nate used to be a very good cook). He will never again have that easy going room brightening smile he used to be famous for. He is a young and gifted filmmaker whose artistic vision will now

I don't understand? Can someone mansplain it to me?

Holy shit, some menfolk are about to lose their minds.

Not really. The point that I always took away from it, is that there are men who talk down to women about shit they already know. Simply because this man assumes that women are too stupid/feminine/something to know X thing!

I guess we’ll have to start banning all words with the word “man” in them because they’re ALL sexist!

Hachi-ko Chuken, I would be happy to do so!

You know who I’m really disappointed in? Yoko and Cher. They should’ve tweeted something respectively “zany” and “cutting, but with emojis” in response by now, effectively quieting down this little, unimportant boy.

Look, I’m not a doctor, or even a tv doctor, but the man shits out of his mouth and even I know that’s not normal.

Dewlaps while being rotund is so hot right now.

I have to hand it to Trump- he found the one place where he wouldn’t be the biggest quack in the room.

Voluntary chastity, in and of itself, is not inherently feminist or masculinist. It’s a sexual choice made by both men and women, often for religious reasons but often not. It can provide many things, among them focus and happiness. As a feminist I fully support any man or woman who chooses chastity as an expression

Thank you. As someone who is not longer neurotypical, this cheers me up!

It just occurred to me Bryan really doesn’t even need feminism - she could have achieved being an unmarried virgin centuries ago.

Girls don’t masturbate!

Ugh, I hate this whole thing about little female hearts being so delicate that we have to protect them from being shattered by a sexual relationship/encounter that doesn’t end in lifelong commitment and marriage. Women are much stronger than that, and that ties our self-worth and self esteem to our sexual status - the

For godssakes, there could be CHILDREN reading.

I love squinty Sven. He’s like a human koala.