Flossie Dickey's Personal Assistant

Phillies. *dies*

i’ve never understood the hacking defense; i’m pretty sure real hackers have more interesting things to do with their leisurely hacking time than focus on some dough-faced, small-time dick running for local office

Counterpoint: Scott DesJarlais, the Republican congressman from Tennessee who is anti-abortion except when he wants his mistress to get one is still in Congress. Spoiler alert: he endorsed Trump.

Especially when you consider that if there any delays getting to trial, she will do MORE time than Brock Turner- for being the VICTIM in her case.

“Michele Promaulayko, who previously served as editor-in-chief of Yahoo Health”

Stepped on a rusty nail and got lockjaw somewhere in Connecticut.

+1 for “vile cornhusk”

Ann Coulter bombed and Phyllis Schlafly died. What a weekend!

Can’t find the goods for PS, but how about him going nuts over Strom Thurman right after he died?

Watching Hillary Clinton poised to become president is probably what did her in. Schlafly was one of the people who lead the charge against Hillary for daring to act like her marriage to Bill was a partnership of equals, and being the most politically involved first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt. Hillary’s campaign is

Calling schlafly an asshole is insulting a very hard-working and underappreciated part of our anatomy.

They say there is a special place in hell for women who fight to keep other women down.

From a statement about her death: “There will never be another Phyllis Schlafly.”

an astounding 70 years ​in public service ​of ​her fellow Americans

Every time Phyllis’ name is mentioned, I love to take the opportunity to remind everyone that bitch used nannies to help raise her kids while she was on the road and shaming women who used nannies.

Why was she exempt from her own pronouncements?


And not a thing of value was lost.

Better late than never.