I guess treating women equally only applies to the one he pays to be around him.
I guess treating women equally only applies to the one he pays to be around him.
He may be created of cheese but golems serve (see Jeb/Kochs). Trump is a monster, but he’s a self made monster.
I’m thinking “President and Mrs. Trump” would be wee a bit of a downgrade, no?
“They’re treated equal,” she said. “I see him in life. He treats women the same as men. he will tell you what’s in his heart, what he thinks, he will not hold it back if you’re a woman. you’re human, a woman or a man, it’s no different.”
The choices are Trump, Cruz, or Rubio. I would go with Trump every time. Always choose the neutral-chaos over evil-chaos.
He is all of the GOP “ideals” wrapped up in one: Anti-immigration, anti-Muslim, anti-women and anti-intellectual. The GOP talking heads should be embracing him, instead they are doing everything to distance themselves from the guy. They created this shit, have been embracing and ramping up this way of thinking for 15…
I’ve been saying for a while that Trump is Fox New’s Frankenstein monster turning against his creator and wrecking the place. Good! Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh have it coming for radicalizing their listeners.
Goddammit, I was so fired up that I lost my burner key AND realized that this post makes me look like I don’t understand how primaries work. I’m referring to voting in the general.
Honestly, I think that Trump truly has no political agenda. He changes his mind from one day to the next, and disavows things he said hours earlier. He wants the pomp and the adulation; and simply blows out extreme rhetoric for its own sake.
Self-Proclaimed Democrats / Progressives, get your shit together now. Like, NOW.
Do not cry. Please do not cry. I promise you that this is so much better than Cruz. I know it seems like cold comfort but when it comes down to narcissist buffoon vs dictatorial sociopath, I’m going with the buffoon every time.
This is like when you watch the scary movie alone at night cause you’re a badass and don’t take shit but then later you turn on ALL the lights to go to the bathroom.
Why is his face that color? Seriously, why?
You just know Charlie used it anally.
I can’t lie, the Liberal Arts major in me is digging the professor vibe. 8/10, would bang on a pile of books in the library.
I mean, it is Charlie Sheen. I don’t think it’s outside of the realm of possibility that he injested it or, well, managed to use it in some other non-standard way.
omg James Harden and James Corden are different people!
I take offense to your harried, low-ranking adjunct professor comment. I am a harried low-ranking adjunct and I always show up well-groomed! I admit that my dad is a retired tenured professor who often looked like that in his younger days.
What’s awkward? He’s wrong and dangerous. The fact that he went through something unimaginably horrifying as a teen doesn’t change how wrong he is or how dangerous his opinions are.
I had two thoughts reading this story: