
Have you seen The President’s Show? Cause I think Anthony nails that part of Trump’s character.

It’s all very well and good to praise Collins and McCain for opposing the bill (and Rand Paul, although he opposed it for being too generous), but I think it’s worth remembering not a single member of the Democratic caucus — 46 Dems, 2 Independents — made the slightest peep about supporting this bill or any of the

Petition to get Maggie Q off of Designated Survivor and back into a starring role.

Nikita is wildly underrated.

Moore’s victory proves that there wasn’t some weird one-off cult of personality or fame effect around Trump—he really was what Republicans wanted as a Presidential candidate. Even he couldn’t stop Moore, because Moore was what Trump voters wanted. Moore getting into Congress, where he could propose legislation to ban

The fact that Alec Baldwin has an Emmy for his Trump impersonation and Atamanuik doesn’t shows how much more exposure that guy needs.

I find Trevor pretty unimpressive most of the time, but when he’s truly worked up about something he can be good. His “when is it ok for Black people to protest” editorial last night was angry, entertaining, and vital.

Seth’s “A Closer Look” segments are the shit. They’re well-written, produced and delivered. I subscribe to his show on youtube just for those segments.

Agreed on everything (Jessica is boss). Not only has Trevor gotten way better, but his interviews are outstanding.

Yep. I caught it. There’s no denying this goes beyond Trump, who is just one man. The problem is, and always will be the people. Silent majority is not a myth.

Earlier there was a tweet from a guy who posted a picture of his 97 year old WWII vet grandfather kneeling in support of the NFL protests.

A reality television star is president. You figure it out.


Kaepernik’s protest has got to be the most respectful, peaceful protest EVER, and all these white guys are going apeshit over it. They’ve spent decades telling black men to sit down and shut up, and then go batty when one actually does it.

Which also makes it the most effective protest ever.

Donna drunkenly repeating her advice to her daughter verbatim was a particularly painful plot beat for me. I know me some drunk mom. That shit was spot on.

Seriously one of the most graceful, intelligent beats this show has ever pulled off. My heart was breaking for Joe this entire episode. He’s finally growing up and everyone’s too stuck in their own shit to notice.

Oh fuck off. I’ve read the fucking memo, and it is absolutely anti-diversity and pro-misogyny. The dude is a fucking moron who should have his degree stripped for being a fucking ignoramus.

Design matters. There are fewer comments because Kinja commenting lends itself to short-form threads and hate posting, as seen by the influx of users from the other sites.

I’m ok with Sigourney Weaver being immortal.

When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?!

The Itchy & Scratchy And Moochie Show