
Darn it, this is all God’s fault! Why has God forsaken Bill O’Reilly? WHYYYY?

It’s hard for me to have any respect for her when I know she’d be the first Fox News asshole to run an op-ed about how women in the workplace should just suck it up if this had never happened to her personally.

Ah, Megyn Kelly. The reigning queen of “I don’t give a shit about X until X happens to me personally.” It’d be nice to see these two somehow obliterate each other, like shitty conservative mouthpiece matter vs shitty conservative mouthpiece antimatter.

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

That would most likely be Fabrizio Lombardo, who was head of Miramax’s Italy branch.

“Don...let’s have sex.”

Whoever wins, we’ve already lost.

Has Tillerson agreed to the IQ Battle? I really want to see the results of that.

On the plus side, this reminded me that I had forgotten about Bill O’Reilly for a month. It makes me hopeful that one day, we’ll have forgotten all about Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, and (fingers crossed) Peepaw himself

The shooting is a horrifying tragedy.

Here’s what I want to know, did the shooter take a knee?

Domestic terrorism is still terrorism even if the perpetrator is white.

“They should all be fired... ... upon”

I see no better time to politicze than after a likely preventable tragedy, our gun worshipping culture births these tragedies and the only way to cure it effectively is through politics, reform and common sense gun control laws, I say politicize away

You know the rules. We can’t all it terrorism until we know the shooter was Muslim.

The overused refrain is how fast the news cycles are moving under Trump, but goddamn is it true, and sometimes its perspective is surreal:

Best political satire on TV. I hope it comes back soon.

Yes. This. Exactly. Dude’s an amazing talent. Incredible impersonator.

Now playing

The article completely misses the bigger story. Well, bigger is relative. SNL already had their Trump under a hold, post audition season, in Anthony Atamanuik (The President’s Show). Tony had perfected his Trump while touring the country with James Adomian in Trump vs Bernie debates. If Lorne wanted darker, Tony was