
And there had to be more.”

Man, you really need to STFU.

Now playing

The Mooch farewell bit, with Kelly talking as the Peanuts teacher and Bannon going down on himself is probably the funniest thing i’ve seen all year.

Best Obama impression will forever be Jordan Peele if you ask me.

Give The President Show a try. I’m consistently amazed on how good the impressions and overall writing are on that show, considering that they basically comment on whatever idiocy Trump did that week.

When it comes to Donald Trump impressions, t̶w̶o̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ one guy immediately come to mind: The President Show’s Anthony Atamanuik.

Designated Survivor was still one of the better new offerings from the networks last year...

Love me some Jordan Klepper, but you guy’s still not getting The President Show regular coverage is a sin which will not be forgotten.

So, this guy is genuinely expecting people to boycott football over a kneeling protest? Trump really has his finger on the pulse of the American working class.

Oh noes.

Other than the new comment system being terrible? No. Can’t think of any.

For shame. The Mooch would’ve never let such a thing happen.

PS: This comment system still sucks.

You keep using the word “donation”. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Amazing. It is almost like NBC viewers don’t give two shits about a former Fox News wacko.

I concur. S2 of True Detective was just bad overall, but Vaughn had some solid performances in it. I found that final scene everyone likes to make fun off pretty damn good.

Yeah, color me unsurprised here.

Best song since Kayne West had Jaimie Foxx impersonating Ray Charles on a track, I guess...

C. All of the above.

“Best Fight Against The System”