
Can we PLEASE get rid of that damn “what you may like bar”? I its ridiculous that half the page design is occupied by whitespace.

This. Why is half the fukcing page filled with whitespace?!

Well, this fucking sucks.

It is incredible that Alex Marlowe could be this stupid. Then again, he's editor-in-chief at Breitbart…

Poignant. Kudos to Joel for doing this.

This. We had entire seasons of people walking from A to B, and the journey was always the interesting part.

"Strain"? The writing took such a nosedive on this show's latest seasons that it is hard to believe.

So, we've got to this? POTUS is excused because he's too fucking stupid to know better?

It is hard to accept one's mistakes. Let alone own their consequences.

That's just beautiful.

Agreed. Bernthal's Punisher was the saving grace of DD season 2 though. I'm stoked for this.


Oooooh noooooooeeeeesss

Jesus H Christ, what an amazing hour of TV.

Now, i think of Trump as a complete asshole, but that statement is factually correct.

Hasn't this happened already?

Yeah, calling people marching with torches and chanting "Blood and Soil" Nazis is just an obsession.

Please, he's clearly a racist. The post-Charlottesville speech was just icing on a shit cake.

"So, is Donald Trump a racist? I'll let you decide YES for yourself."