
…, but the people who claimed to know him maintained that he wasn’t actually racist, he was just saying and doing racist things.

Oh noes.

I find Kimmel to be unbearable 99% of the time, but damn, that was a fine speech. Kudos.

I'd argue the main reason is that, despite what the Trump administration likes to repeat, nothing has really changed economy-wise since he took office.

Agreed. I hate Kimmel with a passion, but he really nailed his speech last night.

Maybe the fact that a former reality show "star" made it to POTUS has something to do with it?

PS: What the fuck is this "Antifa" thing? The term popped seemingly out of nowhere this week.

"How you like me now?"

Jesus H Christ America, fix this. And fix it quick. Your country will not recover any time soon otherwise.

No. I refuse to believe this is true.

How? How can they possibly fuck this up?

Google is sticking up for its employees. They were being doxxed.

Thing is, Trump do wants the support from the far right. There's simply no other explanation on how he could've botched this so badly.

It is time to rethink your life when Ted fucking Cruz holds the moral high ground over you.

This year's Pulitzer for Photography winner, right here.

"On instinct".

White supremacists marching with tiki torches. You can't make this shit up.

This drove me insane as well during the Trumpcare debacle. "Why can't one journalist just ask him about the details of his healthcare plan?".