
I've just watched Scott Adams video discussing this event that made me throw up in my mouth a bit.

I can totally see it happening. As long as the GOP doesn't clearly distance from Trump he'll have a real chance.

Sad, sad upvote…

The problem Trump now faces is that he's both. Trump is still POTUS and these shenanigans do nothing more than alienate the GOP against him.

Only if the rapist was black, sadly enough.

Germany does this. They paid a high toll to learn that lesson.

You know, maybe its not coincidence that his staff is filled with white supremacists…

Trump deserves some credit here. It is really hard to reach a new low in the same week he suggested, you know, nuclear war.

I wrote down my thoughts on both Elite Squad and its sequel a while ago. TL;DR: i think they're both remarkable movies.

He certainly did. You can't argue that your hiring practices are discriminatory without the implication that people are hired unjustly. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

This. He was specifically fired for not following Google's code of conduct.

No. The guy was fired because he wrote a memo claiming 20% of his coworkers were unjustly hired.

Ok, and this is caused because of "inherit differences"? Because the memo argues yes, women "are worse at ideas" and don't make it to managerial positions because don't like to deal with stress.

- So, what do you think about Point Break?
- Well, I wouldn't argue that it wasn't a no-holds-barred, adrenaline-fueled thrill ride. But there is no way you can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork.

Cool. Not what i asked though.

I understand how 300 was super influential, but, seriously, Elite Squad should've taken the prize this year.

It was a fun, solid action movie. Just not, you know, a Die Hard movie.

Point me the inherit differences that make women worst engineers than man. Then we can follow this discussion.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people these days?