
Yes. I honestly don't get all the hoopola; it's the same line of reasoning presented on cheap alt-right blog posts.

Damn. Good call.

Yes! The look on his face… man…

In which sense? This is not The Godfather.

Ditto. Same for Starship Troopers, a movie which is just campy fun. Well made, but campy fun indeed. I'd kill for a proper adaptation of Heinlein's book though instead of Verhoeven's "satirical" take on it…

Clean your desk.

That's pretty much the case every time. But a good part of why that movie works so well is that the source material was excellent.

Event Horizon is terribly underrated IMHO.

LA Confidential is a ridiculously good movie.

At last! Nuclear war was averted! Thank you Hannity!

Given the document and the reaction it generated, i'd argue her job is more important now than ever.

Man. Reading comprehension really isn't your thing.

It is neither. Is a logical fallacy used when you need to sell a point you can't really support.

No. That is not what i've felt reading that document at all. What drives me insane is that this moron insulted people he works with because he feels they were unjustly hired, and tries to prove his point with ad-hoc arguments, pseudoscience and unquoted "generally"s, "often"s, "average"s and "as it is well known…". He


Then your problem might be reading comprehension because i have no idea what i accused you of, let alone how i proven myself guilty of it.

I don't think you fully grasp what "literally" means.

So, the later. Gotcha.

* Hiring practices which can effectively lower the bar for “diversity” candidates by decreasing the false negative rate.