
"We always ask why we don't see women in top leadership positions, but we never ask why we see so many men in these jobs. These positions often require long, stressful hours that may not be worth it if you want a balanced and fulfilling life."

Women are men are different. Just, you know, not "women are better at feeling and aesthetics than ideas" different.

I particularly enjoyed his rants about Communism, Marxism and how class warfare turned into gender politics.

No, that was not his point. He specifically discusses that the gender gap in tech is not caused by bias but because of "biological" reasons.

The amount of ad-hoc conclusions and uncited points on that document is staggering for a manifesto claiming intolerance about evidence.

Which points, specifically? The doc is all over the place.

It is well written. The actual contents are Breitbart-level bullshit, of course, but bigot rants are rarely this well structured.

The entire document is filled with ad-hoc arguments and uncited "facts". It is almost funny when it starts dwelling on Marxist politics and class warfare later on.

I'm seriously shocked about how many people give gravitas to misogynist diatribes only because they're well written.

"Women, on average, have more openness directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas. Women generally also have a stronger interest in people rather than things, relative to men."

^^^^ This.

I'm the exact opposite - good seal is paramount to good sound, specially regarding bass response.

Oh spare me. Are you annoyed at someone spending more than an Indian wage in consumer electronics, or the fact that someone would pay 200 for premium headsets?

They hold up great. A bit on the bulky side, but not really heavy at all, and they're surprisingly comfortable.

While 200 is arguably a lot of money to spend on earphones for most people, and with all due respect to your friend, this is true of almost anything of first-world vs emerging countries.

You're confusing it it with Jimmy Ray, almost as shitty.

If you're looking for the best bargain in earphones available, look no further than 1More's Quad Driver. They have no business being that good at $200 - I love mine.

Oh come ON Spicer!!

This administration is now officially radioactive to competent people.

No no, not talking about this season of The White House.