
I came to this comments section to be alone.

Yeah, let’s let the real life equivalent of Homer Simpson run for office.

Ah go suck an egg

The biggest thing to push me towards agnosticism has been the hypocrisy of the supposed faithful. The second biggest thing is Michael J Fox getting Parkinson’s while this turd still walks around, able to pour grape juice without worrying about his carpets and spew shit like this. No fucking justice.

I mean, literally everybody that was using the site before Kinja agrees the redesign is terrible. Conversations are harder to follow in the comments, and the website itself is harder to navigate. It’s only natural that making the website harder to use would result in a loss of regular visitors.

Can we give Master and Commander another shot? The one movie was pretty good, and you could easily make a series out of the books. No dragons and no tits, but...oh, forget it.

We already had a community, and the Kinja switchover drove half of it away.

This is what happens when executives are allowed to dictate policy without having the least understanding of the product.

Because this shit has killed their commenting community, which they referred to as “important” to them.

He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.

Holy shit.

This reminds me of one of the coolest things I read about about in US history. After the great San Francisco Earthquake in 1906 recovery funds were raised by then Senator William Howard Taft who barnstormed around the country winning local hot dog eating contests and donating the prize money to San Francisco.

And if you somehow got rid of Trump, Pence is almost as bad (and is up to his nards in the Russia scandal anyway). Then there’s Paul Ryan, who’s probably the biggest fucking coward ever to be a Speaker.

Member when Obama just sat in that kindergarten classroom while the twin towers were under attack? Pepperedge Farm remembers.

Yeah, unfortunately Snopes is now FAKE NEWS because they fact check stuff.

Unfortunately, by Snopes publishing an article saying that Obama was not president during Katrina, they’ve only reinforced the Trumpists’ conviction that Obama was indeed president at that time.

The death-dream? I lover it.

You have so much more faith in the system than I do. Mueller could turn up an actual dead body, and Paul Ryan would shrug and say, “Taxes,” while Trump’s supporters will find a way to blame Obama. I mean, the guy has already pretty much been exposed as obstructing justice...and we don’t even talk about it any more.

I’ve been hearing a lot of “wait until the young ‘uns grow up and start voting” recently. Young people are the ones who love trolling/memeing/shitposting for Trump/the alt-right and think the whole thing is fucking hilarious without caring about the consequences.

Eh, he was alright in True Detective Season 2.

Seriously. Though the writing was mediocre to shit at times, Vaughn did pretty well with what he had to work with.