
I do think that the show’s dialogue and micro-plotting have suffered from not having GRRM’s text to work from anymore.

If Viacom congratulates you on your fight against the system, you’re probably not fighting the system all that well.

Taboo ft. Shailene Woodley

I’m with you. It’s both obnoxious and cynical.

Would you have preferred Best Rage Against the Machine?

I just went down to the local pub to watch. Not only do you get the fight, there is cold beer and the enjoyment of watching other people’s wildly unlikely predictions not come true.

“her art space?’ What in the fuck is this nimrod trying to say?

I don’t know about you guys. But I so far have really enjoyed the Kinja conversion here at the AV Club.

I’d really wish we’d lived in the version where Gorka didn’t resign and Arpaio wasn’t pardoned.

I can’t believe you found this many people willing to say this song was any good

I love you, but great albums are Apostrophe, Sgt. Peppers, Low End Theory, and Badmotorfinger, What’s Going On, Darkness at The Edge of Town, Band of Gypsys, The Doors, Blonde on Blonde, and Aquimini, not pablum pop that’s overproduced

Design graduates over the last ten years have bought into the idea that lots of whitespace is good, because it means the design is “clean” and “uncluttered.” It is also “fucking useless” but that doesn’t seem to matter in design school.

Kinja has been around since 2004. If we’re lucky maybe they’ll patch over one or two of the worst defects, but I wouldn’t expect a return to Disqus-level functionality any time soon.

I was so focused on what Kinja would do to the commentariat, I didn’t stop to think about how badly mangled the site itself would be.

Fuck you AV Club. The new site sucks and (more importantly) the new comments section is fucking deplorable. One of the biggest draws to this site is the thoughtful and hilarious discussion in each post and you officially shot that all to shit with this new ‘upgrade’.

So “Great” Job Internets now post under the news header?

Not to mention all the comments that are stuck in “pending” where no one can see them.

Fuck you AV Club. The new site sucks and (more importantly) the new comments section is fucking deplorable. One of the biggest draws to this site is the thoughtful and hilarious discussion in each post and you officially shot that all to shit with this new ‘upgrade’.

This is the smallest comment section I’ve seen for a movie review that wasn’t some foreign documentary, and it’s not because Leap! is a niche audience.