Someone get Jodi Picoult on this. The novel writes itself.
Someone get Jodi Picoult on this. The novel writes itself.
Remember if you are homeless, the best thing you can do is be good looking. Too many people don't realize how important being sexy is to getting off the streets. So with that loose change you get begging on the corner, don't waste it on food. Get yourself to a salon and spa immediately.
i wonder if she can see Mecca from her kitchen window ????
Joan, Peggy and SALLY please! You know that kid is going to have an interesting life.
I'm not really sure that we're shitting on Blake Lively herself. I get the impression people are shitting on this website that comes off as both pretentious and inauthentic.
Other than fucking famous men, what has Blake Lively done to make her "successful"?
I half agree because feminism, but pretend shitting on classist, entitled, out of touch people, who recommend things I can't afford as essential, is endlessly fun.
Kate thinks she does it for the attention.
Seriously, dude. And I haven't seen half the crap that guy has!
That's a whole lotta narcissism, don't you think?
This is magnanimous of Archie and everything, but for the life of me I can't understand what Betty OR Veronica ever saw in that indecisive little shithead. Even when I was 10 years old reading Double Digests I was confused.
When I saw the phrase "shadow wedding," here are some things I thought it might refer to before I clicked through to read this post:
I think it's fair to consider everyone involved in this awful. The only innocent victim I see here are the poor animals.
I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.
Nicholas Sparks is the Thomas Kinkade of the literature world.
I really appreciate your ending comments about living as a fat person and your relationship with food. I live that everyday but hadn't really thought about it in those exact terms. Thanks as always for making me laugh and making me think. You're the best, Lindy.
Would anyone be interested in my similarly-themed DIY article, "Everything I Fucked Up While Trying To Act Like Anthony Bourdain For Most of My Twenties"?