
Yes, nothing sweet or coloured, not even gold tequila. Vodka or silver Patron (no rocks for me, but chilled) or an occasional kamikaze. No beer or red wine, ever! And do not mix your booze - choose one thing and stick with it all night long. And of course, lots of water.

Thank you! :)

I agree. Denise gets mad props from me for what she's doing. It takes a good woman to raise her ex's kids by another of his ex's. Especially since she's not even taking Charlie's offer of additional child support for the boys.

Oh, honey, I'd be positively green with envy if I weren't already beet red from the heat. It's 102 here (NoCal), and it's supposed to be between 105 and 112 this weekend. Yay, me!

I can't even stand the thought of using the toaster oven, let alone the stove! It's just too damn hot here; it's 102 at this very moment where I live. (Hot as Satan's balls, it is!)

Forget girding your loins; drive your Hummer or reinforced Mercedes! Because if she's back in LA, that means she's going to engage in favourite sport: Bumper Cars.

Are they for real? I mean, there have been some degrading challenges before (I read the recap on another site), but this is ridiculous!

Thank you for bringing up Sharktopus! :D

I don't think you are. I think they wanted him (and I thought he'd be perfect) but I don't know what happened.

I feel you on that. I'm going to try the Clinical Strength Secret under and between, and I'll let you know how it works!

Yup, add me to the list of sisters who do the same thing. I don't own a blow dryer, curling iron, or straightening iron. I also don't wash my hair every day (too drying, especially where I live), and if I want waves, I just put it in a bun or French braid while it's wet.

Oh, me too!

But for why did he give the MTV Moonman elephant ears?


He is so vile!

Seriously, what is wrong with these people?!?!?!? Is there some sort of Candid Camera of Buffoonery-type show of which we are unaware?

I thought the same thing! :)

I find it vile that these ragmags are inviting people toscrutinise Angelina's post-mastectomy breasts. That's just every shade of wrong.

Plus, that story directly conflicts with what the bar owner (or whatever) guy said: He came in very low-key, with a group of guys who weren't famous, so much so that some people weren't aware he was there.

Yes, that jumped up and bit me the eyeball too!