Exactly. And that's just one of the many disturbing, disgusting aspects of his crimes.
When in reality, she's a Super Bitch! ;)
And no bathroom breaks, no eating or drinking, and no back braces! (And make him wear the pink sneaks, too.) Oh, and make sure people interrupt him on the regular with stuff that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and talk over him when he tries to make a point.
These guys are never gonna get it. EVER.
Except for the Cinnamon Roll ones - they're unfrosted, and when you toast them and then very lightly butter the top...YUMRIFFIC!
Definitely not just you - they have absolutely gotten worse, especially with all the body-shaming and the way they go after kids now. People used to actually have news about important people in it. Now it just seems like PR drivel and ass-kissing. I let my subscription to US lapse, as I got tired of seeing…
Right? What is up with that chin on hypothetical baby Lively/Reynolds?
Speaking of little Jimmy, is he in that stroller she's banging on? Poor kid's probably terrified.
Not to mention how, if the assailant/rapist is the son of a donating benefactor, or donating alumni, or one of their star athletes, the university is going to do even more to protect him. Disgusting!
Thank you summing this up in a gif for me.
I wish our city would do that, although $2 isn't going to go very far, even at a Farmers' Market.
My mom always had water, only actual real fruit juices, and milk in the house for me to drink. The "coke fridge" was my dad's, and I maybe got one on a Friday night with dinner.
He's not what I pictured at all. Jesse Williams or Garrett Hedlund, yes. But this? NO.
Those artificial sweeteners put me in a migraine coma, every time.
I like my yogurt, but I try to eat Dannon (less sugar and additives) or get the plain and add my own honey or fruit. I don't like anything to sweet, so any of those "light" yogurts made with artificial sweeteners are a no-go for me.
Oh, that's raunchy. And sad that these young women are so eager to sign up.
I had an experience like yours, once: I invented a drink we called Toxic Wasted (don't ask) using Midori. I have not touched Midori in over 20 years.