
In fact, Zimmerman was told not to leave his vehicle and not to follow Trayvon.

When I was working, I worked from 10 p.m.-7 a.m. I got home from work in time (sometimes) to kiss my daughter before she left for school and then take my son to school. Breakfasts, lunches, and usually dinners were left up to Hubs and the kids.

No, they'd chalk it off to "gang activity" and/or call it "drug related."

Try It's international, and I can view shows before they even air in my time zone. (Please don't ban me for that, Jezzy. I'm just trying to help a sister out.)

You are entirely correct and I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Yeah, no. They should be embarrassed! And screw them all to hell and beyond for attempting to distance themselves from this farce.

Yeah, no. They should be embarrassed! And screw them all to hell and beyond for attempting to distance themselves from this farce.


Ohmahgawd, I have herpes too!! We're a match made in reality TV hell!

Poor man. From all accounts he was a nice, respectable guy. He sought out help for his demons *coughblohancough* and seemed to be really content afterwards. I feel bad for his loved ones, family, friends, and family. I hope they are all able to remember the kind, loving man he was.

I hate it!

How is it, precisely, that they "want to make women 'safer'" while they seek to abolish birth control, plan B, and medically sound abortions?

I read this over the weekend. Because the anti-choicers couldn't get it passed in its original form, they tacked it onto the "motorcycle safety" bill, which they knew the [whatever asshole's in charge] would approve.

Also, you know what? I resent that this "ad" make it appear that women have the luxury of providing their children and spouse anything other than a rushed breakfast and a "goodbye" kiss, as they're trying to find their pantyhose without the run, ensure the children have something decent for breakfast and lunch, the

Naw, put 'em in the Plan B aisle/pharmacy, the BC aisle, and not being all judgey. Then I may suspend disbelief enough to possibly (doubtfully) consider believing them. URGH!!!

You have got to be fraggle-rocking kidding me!!!!!!!!!! Do these idiots really not realise that most of us women are in the workforce and don't spend all of our time in the kitchen/home?

Oh, you just made me cry. :(

Simply lovely!


Maybe it's the only spell she knew?...