lion paws

This one wasn’t shocking. In fact, when I saw the headline, I thought, “There it is. I was wondering where you’ve been.”

Seriously! Along with a second Franken accuser, Charlie Fucking Rose?!!!! Motherfucking hell, what an self-entitled asshole.

You know what? The onslaught is worth it when gross bottom feeders appear and get owned at every turn.

Sunday afternoons are usually so boring! I’ll log back in tomorrow and see that I have 482 notifications and ignore them all because life is more fun that way. :)

Russel Started dating Kimora when she was underage so yeah not shocking. Hollywood should just kick all men out of powerful positions and replace them with women especially women of color. Let’s scrap Everyman and start over.

Russell Simmons is a shitburger. In my Rock History (easy A) class the other day, we were watching a film about the rise of hip-hop and in a segment discussing misogyny, Simmons is asked DIRECTLY about how videos treat women and he’s all “welllll I’m powerless, there’s nothing I can do!”

He wont lose a single voter over sexual misconduct so this wont even move the meter. Anyone that voted Trump that was so desperate to vote against Hilary will never change their mind.

Fucking sinister.

Also, I would vote for this over Trump for president:

A 78 year old man who is incredibly divisive has no business running for president. And don’t give me this “ageist” bullshit. The presidency ages a person and no candidate should run who can’t commit to 8 years.

The party has moved to the left of Biden.

I voted for Bernie in the primary. I was excited a socialist made it that far. That was SOOOOO long ago. I found out so much shit I didn’t know at the time; he has acted like a prima donna over and over again. I would never vote for him again. I actually regret that vote. Fuck him. I officially can’t stand him at this

He’s too old. He is 74. I think that having a president almost 80 by the time he’s in his term is too old.

Thanks - I appreciate it.

Considering I and everyone that I know who went marched for some concrete and important issues (funding planned parenthood, preserving reproductive choice, family leave for new parents, DREAM act, LGBTQ rights, and that’s just to name a few) - issues that are difficult to get traction on from any mainstream candidate

Duckworth/Patrick FTW!

Please don’t even entertain the notion of Bernie running again

Here comes the liberal circular firing squad.


Not “this”...Gadot is seriously badass. Give this woman all the props she is due.