lion paws

I’d think better of him if he hadn’t gotten off the bus and encouraged Trump to hug an unsuspecting actress but it wasn’t the worst statement in the recent mess and since no one has come forward to accuse him personally of harassing someone I’m going to say he was probably a garden variety butt-kisser like many

I’m in the grays, anyway, so whatever:

I see where you going with this, but I would argue that it’s not super helpful. Women are already policing their behavior quite a bit then get mocked for trying to be safe. Predators adapt that is what the do. If something happened it’s because the perpetrator wanted it to happen, not because the victim wasn’t smart

Expect to be coddled. Yep, screw off with that bullshit.

There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

I don’t think they will ultimately care. It’s win win for them. Even if the whole thing gets discovered part of their plan was to sew discord and erode faith in the democratic process and institutions, that has been a runaway success. And their trolls and bots are still out there with their misinformation campaigns

“because for most of us the only ones who unconditionally love us and can be counted on to be there for us, are not our boss, or our colleagues, or our neighbours, or even our boy/girlfriends, but our close family members.”

Wow, any time someone is willing to go against a family member I have a lil more hope for the human race.

I am sorry to hear about that. If there is a delicious irony to be had here, it’s in Keillor’s repeated public condemnation of Howard Stern, whom he likened to a circus geek who spoke about sex as if it were like “having a bowel movement.” Yet everything I’ve heard about Stern’s off-air behavior paints him as a

“Taking responsibility” and resigning are two very different things. Your call for resignation is based on how YOU feel, but taking responsibility is based on the nature and severity of the act. Go use your pitchfork to go after Trump and Moore, remember the line that Sanders-Huckabee drew was that neither of those

There’s a brief shot of the hallway about :40 in. That’s what I was referencing.

Now playing

I come here for the snark but sometimes it is uncalled for and over the top. Seth Meyers has consistently been one of the bright spots of late night, and he often gives space to people other than white men to shine. We could do a lot worse than him as an award show host. Amber Ruffin on “Amber Says What” is a goddamn

Big difference however is that while Americans got excited by that one they’re going to go absolutely mad for the one with the “American Princess” (even though she won’t be a Princess because she’s only a Royal by marriage).

I would say it wasn’t actually terrible when Kate and Wills got married, but I also didn’t leave my flat for the actual day. It wasn’t any more or less terrible in central London to the run up. I do hope we get another bank holiday out of this though. Drinking bubbly at 9am is always a good day.

They do amazing work.

“Soon u-man, soon.”

Your entire comment is illogical and, frankly, stupid.

(I didn’t watch the full clip, but based on Rich’s descriptions) this seems like a pretty perfect response.

I know what you mean. I just can’t come forward yet, the shame is still so heavy and I weirdly feel like if I talk about it publicly, I’ll never be free of it, even though I’m not free of it now keeping it private. This thread sums it up pretty well, including the part about going through the process as a kid and