lion paws

If I may...whenever I see the feverish hellcry that PETA is bad for animals I about lose my mind. This is an example of conspiracy theorists hysteria run amok. So yes, PETA stands for some radical animal-rights philosophies. Philosophically, PETA would prefer a world where no animal suffers and they’ve made headlines

Oh thank you for saying this. It’s absolutely maddening. I know full well that multitudes of people who are blinded by the existing system will see her comments as “refreshingly honest.”

I know what you’re saying. My ex worked directly for GK and had to quit after a year. He was such a horrid, toxic person who treated his co-workers (my ex was a producer and a guy) like shit and tormented them incessantly, nothing was ever good enough. Ever since then I couldn’t listen to his show the same, of course.

Thanks for the link to that tweet. You make really excellent points. I cannot imagine putting my name out there, like she said in the linked comment, being forever after branded as the woman who saw a famous dude’s junk while trying to work, and what not, etc. (Not my experience, I’m guarded about sharing details.)

Oh yes yes yesssss. So much agreement with your comment, thank you. I can barely contain my rage when I think about the media’s ongoing narrative of Hillary, and the general mindless followers’ willingness to gulp it all down. I agree that T (I won’t say or type his name) becoming prez enabled the tidal wave that

Yes. Another perfect comment that needs to be seen by every man everywhere. I remember when I was a little girl, maybe 7-8 years old, and I started to realize that I was a member of the “weaker” sex due to comments and behaviors by men in my family as they objectified women in the world. I wanted to go back into the

This is perfection. Like I want to embroider your entire comment and manufacture it and send a pillow to every legal firm and potential juror in the country.

That last sentence summed it up really perfectly. It’s the hate - and the fear of the “other.” The fear that the white patriarchal way of life is being challenged is what’s blinding the trumpsters. Fox News is the chief propaganda machine that’s been grooming this fear for over a decade. I know because I have some of

The fucking ymca and another more upscalish gym near me is swarming with kids. The upscalish one has a locker room for adults only but still. No bueno for child-free me, the pool is regularly shut down cause some kid barfed in it. Walking into the Y, I get an instant headache from the cacophony of screaming kiddies

If only. Now THAT would be a freaking dream come true. Speaking of those shoes, that little cone on the end is grotesque and stupid and I can’t stop looking at them. They look intensely uncomfortable. That is one cringe-worthy ensemble from silly red bowl hat to the cone-tipped oyster-colored pumps.

Wow, I didn’t know such a thing existed but it makes so much sense. I can never seem to get enough of that weighty sensation with regular blankets no matter how many I pile on. When prone, I have a tendency to be chilled no matter what season it is and I definitely have anxiety. I’m thinking using it during that

Wow, I didn’t know such a thing existed but it makes so much sense. I can never seem to get enough of that weighty

In the 90's I worked with a camera crew that had covered the white house during Bush senior’s years. He was a known womanizer. Had a mistress, cheated on Barbara boldly but for some reason it never became public. Apparently this was corroborated by many behind the scenes white house staff as well. So I’d say his

Now playing

So I’m totally wrong it wasn’t Jimmy anyone, I actually can’t find the interview I saw which is maddening. Sorry, I get into late night rabbit hole, but it was compelling. I did find a clip of her interview with Bill Maher.

Yeah sorry my bad. It was Jimmy Kimmel. I’ll look to see if I can find it now and post the link back here.

Thank you for the recommendation, I’ll definitely check it out. I was super impressed by an interview she gave with Jimmy Fallon just after the conman took office in the white house. She was sharp, quick-witted and held her space in a very compelling way.

I love people who celebrate their creativity with such joy and gusto. I love that she wears that (fun-awful) skirt her friend made in college to presentation meetings.

Yes. Thank you. You really perfectly expressed my fed-upedness with this bullshit. I am way past zero tolerance for the the almighty male gaze, the arrogant need to comment on women’s appearance (be it “good or bad”), and the entitlement that comes with it. It does seem like society is regressing, but I’m slightly

Thank you for this information. I popped a rib years ago when I lunged to get something in the backseat and the underwire in my bra was pushed against my rib by the back of the carseat. A loud pop and excruciating pain. Then it’s happened about 4 times over 4 years. I stopped wearing underwires about the 3rd time.

Me too. I have an old “backpacking-style” teal one with a thick ugly black strap that I wear around the house, when I’m out in public and everywhere in between. It’s crazy convenient and that’s my cup of tea. Having said that, I may be inspired to get a new more streamlined hip-bag for when I’m trying to be

Me too. I have an old “backpacking-style” teal one with a thick ugly black strap that I wear around the house, when I’m out in public and everywhere in between. It’s crazy convenient and that’s my cup of tea. Having said that, I may be inspired to get a new more streamlined hip-bag for when I’m trying to be