lion paws

best gif ever <3

Wow, I could have written this word for word. I’m just not into kids, never was. I don’t find them cute, and they make me super uncomfortable when they grab at food on my plate and especially when they’re not feeling well for the reasons you laid out. I happen to have remarried a man who has 5 adult children. No

This is the most succinct and clear argument against the absurd dream of THIS business person running our country like a business. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Why can’t everyone understand this?

This comment is perfection! I’m using this one on the reg, por favor.

Interesting point you make, it fits what we’re seeing. God I hope you’re right.

Me too. I just assume that dick driving too close on my ass voted for Trump because they are a) rude b) aggressive c) not thinking of other people and d) don’t care if their recklessness destroys them and everyone around them. I live in a mixed (conservative/liberal) east coast town and I want to wear a “Not My

Yeah me too, I avoided twitter like the plague until this nightmare appeared in the white house. I follow all liberal like-minded intelligent people for my sanity. I particularly like Eric Boehlert, Joy Ann Reid and Malcolm Nance.

Thank you for this. At this critical stage, any information to help people working in key roles is very important.

Yes well said wtf every minute of every day. I cannot for the life of me comprehend how people are still (gagging to even write this) pro-trump? I’m practically speechless, how truly unintelligent and unobservant can you be? People who are still blindly watching Fox and swallowing this fool’s babble are the most

Hands down my favorite yet. Yay Philly, making me proud. I wish I’d been there.

Yes we do. Rep. Lewis is a hero and always a beacon of light in the darkness. I do worry about his age, and I worry about the health of the incredible Reverend William Barber who is everything these days. What I want to see is more folks with confidence and ambition come out guns-a-blazing for truth and decency. We

Yes. Particularly the last trio. The sweater on the far right says “anti-people,”a must have for any self-respecting cannibal-leaning clown.

That’s encouraging. So they became more open to discourse?

I struggle with how to talk about this with my family members (thank god not anyone in my home, it’s my brothers and their families), particularly the women and one new friend who shocked me when she said she voted for T. Their blind rage and hatred of Obama and Hilary is so air-tight. Basically I want to say “you’ve

Yes. This is it, the almighty testicles must be protected, as women, we must worship at the altar of the fucking “family jewels.” A lifetime of dealing with male predatory behavior has me in a blind rage surrounding this issue. All of this suppressed rage is heightened now with the president-elect and his alpha-male

Gorgeously said.

This is next level sheer devastation and gut-punch-kill-me-now sadness for me. There’s never been a “person of notoriety” who’s passing has hit me more than this one. Her brazen honesty and overall cleverness is unmatched.

Yes. As someone who volunteers at a dog rescue, these designer trendy breeds and the people who just have to have a designer puppy are one more thing in dog world that just makes my head explode. Enough. There are literally hundreds of thousands of perfectly wonderful healthy dogs euthanized each year because of

Those bowls of mayo and what looks like contaminated mustard are gross. I also spy Rold Gold snack size pretzel bags, an inspired offering with the giant rolls. Oh and what appears to be a stack of styrofoam plates. And the unmistakably Trump-stamp gaudy faux gilded walls, overwrought sconces & ornate columns to

Yup. This is undeniable and was an infuriating intestinal twist in a nightmare campaign year. And we are ALL going to pay a very dear price for his inability to step aside when the writing on the wall became clear.