lion paws

thank you I needed this.

I find her approach/attitude offensive and completely in-line with everything she and its (I refuse to type the orange one’s name) “team” has done. Total and blatant disregard and disrespect for a great majority of the population in this country who: a) didn’t vote for the asshole; b) are not white, christian,

I love your spirit and your message. I feel it too, this is a master plan we are witnessing in action. The subterfuge and craftiness of the Bannon Bunch is starting to become painfully apparent with each passing day and we progressives need to get smart and work together in new - and old - ways.

You make excellent points, and in so few words express what I’ve felt about these Bernie/Jill Stein/purists along the way this past year. It really is about a slow moving evolution. The movement toward inclusiveness and compassion sped up a bit in the past 8 years with Obama, but now we’re seeing and about to

actually it was sociopath. I always get those two confused. :/ Oy, wheres that time machine to propel us fast forward 4+ years.

My therapist flat out said he was a psychopath. I love my therapist.

OMG he really does have that self-satisfied, just let loose and now soaking in his own stinkee on the potty look.

Gross. I literally get a wave of nausea every time I see a photo of this pus-filled tangerine, I actually dry heave every time I see a pic of Pence. And I have a stomach of steel.

Jesus. Fucking. Keeee-riiiiist. Decency is dead. Racism and sexism and narcissism and flaming stupidity rule. Apparently.

Taji’s watching a bug and he looks quite noble doing so, in my very biased Mom opinion.

ugh that’s really kinda sad that she needs man-approval at her stage in life, but not surprising at all. I’m in my mid-50's and am a lifelong liberal surrounded by a maddeningly conservative family. I don’t have kids by choice, not married, so my nieces are the closest relatives to me.

Yes! That one was just a blip for a day - which amazes me it didn’t get more traction, but the news cycle in this election is totally ADD.

Four words that should be used in every description of him (I can’t even bring myself to type his name, it turns my stomach): Con man crooked fraud. So glaringly obvious what he is. And horrifyingly a lot of n0t-very-smart-fear-and-hate-motivated people are lapping up his spew like mother’s milk. Unfortunately,

There are 2 puffy shirt exceptions. Warren and Darcy.

May I just say, this is the most cogent argument I’ve seen. Rock solid, really. Thank you. And your first paragraph is such a breath of fresh air I’m feeling light-headed. Yes to it all.

me too, and if I do, I’m cloaked in a giant towel, and use a shower that has a partition or curtain or forget it. This is actually triggering to me in that I’ll probably never take a chance again.

yes. So yes.

“After that, something sexual took place, but I blocked it out of my mind.”

I’m a semi-lurker who can tolerate very few blogs, but Jezebel is my number one favorite due mostly to such funny, smart, thoughtful commenters. So relieved and hopeful that maybe something really good will arise out of the ashes.