lion paws

If is small consolation, I’m sure, but there are a few Jezzies on here (myself included) that live in deep red areas. It is hard now, but here are two things that help me:

When I told my husband, he said, “Wow, like beat the shit out of him? That’s kind of awesome.” And I said no - beat him in the election. THEN WE CELEBRATED.

I don’t think Farrow was assigned the story. I think he pursued this like others in the past, and he was under enormous pressure to drop it. His employer, NBC News, was under enormous pressure to drop it as well, (which they did)

I believe there were female journalists working on this for the NY Times, and also working with Farrow. However, as noted in this story, Weinstein had sent out women to pretend to be journalists (no doubt working on the same theory you are). The advantage Farrow had in getting published and making headway wasn’t so

Farrow is really doing a good job. I was all prepared to look down my nose at his work, but he’s solid.

Replying to myself to make clear that I’m not an idiot, I am aware he made a complete fool out of himself. I’m asking about the fish. I am aware that my questions aren’t relevant or “the point”, so no need for multiple people to point that out.

Rich’s parents had pleaded that prople stop spreading the insane conspiracy theories, yet Brazile stirs the pot

She is. He’s just not paying her for it.

This is all so gross. Everything she’s doing is gross.

God, just GO. AWAY.

Something seems shady about her story and her motivations. If not shady, at the very least selfish. It appears self serving. Also, thanks for the help in helping the Dems going into the mid term elections, Donna. It seems your need to tell your “story” precedes our nation’s need of getting the GOP out of power and

The Budweiser of pizza.

Nothing worked, Alec.
Bill Cosby raped women his entire adult life. He had busloads of accusers. He was taken to court by the woman whose “case it was to prosecute” and the motherfucker still walked out.
Danny Masterson still has a job. He has accusers with the same story.
Clarence Thomas has a job for life and Anita

Har! I imagined just this, with her bringing the knife down on the sausage with such speed and force that the plate broke.

And suddenly, 7th grade boys, frat bros, MRA’s, and major Hollywood players quietly chuckled, as the psychic connection between all douchey types is strong and vibrant, and when one makes a shitty joke, the rest will respond accordingly.

Quite possibly it is a relieving chamber similar to the four granite chambers placed above the burial chamber and which were intended to reduce the pressure of the overlying masonry on the ceiling. The Grand Gallery is a huge open space that would also be vulnerable to collapse.

I’m not sure how you’re conflating a women-only ride sharing service - if you don’t understand WHY that’s a thing, nothing I say can help you - and someone being an abject bigot.

No no if video of him calling people hillbillies came out it would be “he was joking, he loves salt of the earth people!!!” Like it has been so many other times. It will never make sense to me how easily so many dumb pieces of shit chose to believe in this man because he appealed to the hate in their hearts and

Yep. All the super-devout Christians I know avoid me like the plague, because they’ve realized I know more about their book than they do.