The awesome thing about this being made by arc systems is that they have some of the best netcode of any fighting game. I too am HYPE as blazblue is one of my fav fighters.
The awesome thing about this being made by arc systems is that they have some of the best netcode of any fighting game. I too am HYPE as blazblue is one of my fav fighters.
Well clearly your just sexist, you can’t dislike a women without it being just about heir sex right? I mean Hillary Clinton for example, people who didn’t like her got labeled sexist. So again nice sexist article you got here.
Well maybe people should have voted bernie in the primaries more, instead we got the dnc shoving their pre crowned winner down our throats and working with the media to push her and somehow despite all of that bernie closed a 60 point gap in a year. He is now the most popular government official we have. Clinton being…
wow really? This is worth covering? Someone takes something inconvienant happening to them as racism despite there being nothing to indicate it was because of her race and blowing it out of proportion? Seriously people need to stop jumping to conclusions and blaiming everything negative that happens to them on racism.
And this is why mobile games suck and are a cancer on the gaming industry, let’s hope it doesn’t make its way to triple a titles.
I’m sorry but this is utter bullshit hardly any man would want to “trap a women with a baby” in our bias legal system in what world would a man WANT to be denied their child despite anything the women does? Literally see drug addict get the child before the working father.
About the same as women so infinite. Let’s not say just men are creepy and awefull when women will also poke holes in condoms and lie about birth control just to kickstart the gravy train of child support checks because of the biased legal system always favoring the mother.
Yea it is, many women do these things to get pregnant without the males consent to kickstart the gravy train of child support checks. But I’m sure someone will tell you otherwise.
Could have swore it was about poking holes into condoms too in which many women do to get pregnant which would also be sexual aassualt, we can’t put on spotlight on what one sex does and then act like the other never happen because it does and more often than anyone cares to admit.
I’d say considering our broadening definition of what rape is you should tell her boyfriend to press charges immediately.
Starts off being gender equal brings race and a focus on women in and ruins the article. Women very often will make sure their partner has holes in their condoms to get pregnant and this start off the gravy train of child support checks. There are sick people on both sides of the gender fence.
YOur kidding right? White black hispanic doesn’t matter active shooters get treated the same don’t come in here with that racist bullshit that white people can open carry and no one flinches because that’s fucking retarded.
Your an idiot if you think we arnt blasting trump every time he opens his mouth. Trump is getting blasted way harder than obama ever did just take a look in this damn articles responses.
He didn’t save anything we the tax payers did and not one big banker went to jail. You act like obama took money from his own wallet.
I don’t think you should lump all criticism of obama into the same group. Personally I’m against any polician taking money for “speaking fees” I was against it when Hillary did it several times I was against it when bill did it. Doesn’t matter who it is ill be against any politician who takes that kind of money.
Live social media isn’t to blame, it would have happened either way let’s stop pretending it wouldn’t have. Put the blame and responsibility where it belongs and stop scapegoating all the time.
Also you voting in YOUR reality doesn’t make it real at all, you bitch about “free college” but don’t give a shit about the billions we give to big corporations and energy companies. We can spend millions in a day launching missiles into Syria which really did nothing. Your easily manipulated, the fact is we spend way…
It was even better when Hillary said she was for gay marriage despite being on the record against it for the majority of her career, if people want to talk about pandering and throwing their morals out you literally would have to talk about every single politician as well including female politicians. This is just a…
What a garbage article, people like you lost your shit because he didn’t jump right in to be all “party first” now your blasting him because he’s backing a democratic candidate over the repub. get your shit straight. He’s done far more for minorities, LGBT, and gender equality then you EVER will.
Wait so they can’t make one commercial without an African American without their consumer base getting all butt hurt? Sounds pretty racist to me, I don’t understand this world anymore last I knew businesses were out to make a profit and expand their consumer base.