
I totally get what he is saying, I agree and disagree with both sides of the political isle on differing things and everyone Is still focused on the whole right/left paradigm. Stop routing for your “team” just because and look at issues with no bias. It’s not that hard to comprehend.

Based on your story it’s far more likely the company thought he would just bend over and take it based on his personality. I see it all the time at my factory, nice guys who do their job get screwed over because well their nice and don’t flip out and et aggressive so they get boned in the ass, get overlooked on

Nintendo is good at hype I’ll give them that but sales will stagnant until the holiday season and most likely decline after that. They have too few big titles coming and had it not been for Zelda the switch would have had another Wii U dilemma.

Could hve told that to Hillary. Oh we couldn’t find any intent that she knowingly did what she did. Bunch of bullshit rich fucks get away with everything.

She probably figures “hey it worked for Hillary and the email issue might as well give it a shot” remember guys if you didn’t know it wasn’t legal or allowed then it doesn’t count.

I give zero shits about how much money any airports lose since we literally give them billions in taxes every year despite them making billions in profit.

Do yourselves a favor and look at how much our government shells out to them in taxes every year literally billions of dollars even though they profit billions of dollars. But yea we can’t get single payer healthcare or free college. Not to mention the 49 million dollars worth of missiles we just shot into Syria.

Now all we have to do is start a kickstarter to purchase his internet browser history and publish it along with any congress members

WHen are people going to realize we are economic slaves to the rich and burn this fucking world down to the god damn ground.

How sad and pathetic

Zelda overhype’s ok game, andromeda a ok game being bashed way too much. They at the same level for me.

Holy shit what WONT people bitch about, one of the ONLY debts who even do this in their games and ITS STILL not good enough for you people. Get you fucking priories straight. Zelda got a 10/10 from dozens of reviews and yet I see no gay romance options where is the outcry? Literally hundreds of games give you no

That’s the thing we really don’t need to “raise awareness” but people feel the need to play the victim. Sucks to be a white male where everything is somehow your fault and your not allowed to say shit about anything.

If they really gave one shit about what Microsoft and sony were doing they would have made a big boy system instead of yet another under powered kiddie system. I want to see monster hunter games with much better graphics for Christ sake. But nope we are going to get more low poly count junk shovelware.

This is one of many reasons not to buy a switch right now, a) your essentially a beta tester b) only one decent launch game but it also launched on Wii U so why waste the money?

Can’t believe how many morons are going to buy this shit system, didn’t they learn with the Wii U? It’ll be abandoned in no time.

Instead of trying to blame voters blame the fact we had two very shorty choices no matter who we picked. Praise Clinton all you want but fact of the matter is Shen helped usher minorities into prisons by the thousands with the laws she and her husband passed. She was just as shitty maybe even more so, fact of the

Gotta love tha haters, the vast majority of people that are happy this guy is being painted as something he isn’t is just jealous haters. I’m not even a fan but ask any professional comedian and they will tell you nothing is off limits. Shit joe rogan made a joke about Bruce Jenner, where was the media painting HIM as

It’s pretty obvious they are cousins, Rey is Luke’s daughter and kylo is leias son. Why are we making this harder than it really is lol.

The issue I thought was her deleting 33k emails after she got a court order for all the emails.