My Nexus 5 has IEEE 1725 certification. :)
My Nexus 5 has IEEE 1725 certification. :)
That's cool. Would this be a standard across all devices. I've never heard of it.
Sure... drowning. wink wink.
Why not build phones that show 0% at 10% and 100% at 90% thus making this routine for longevity automatic.
I know a few people that block out their entire day to avoid meetings.
First thing on my calendar week to week is lunch. Funny but I schedule everything around lunch and that solves the problem. For me lunch 1-2.
Inspirationnspiration may strike while you’re already taking action. Do nothing and you could be waiting forever.
I set a 20 minute timer on my computer to alert me to at least stand and briefly stretch. It makes a huge difference by the end of the day.
Works for microwaved burritos too.
Like retcon for the web browser.
Insert my Linux desktop user rant about Windows wasting system resources here. ;)
Am I missing something here? This post is just to another post on Medium containing the actual advice. I was really hoping for Eric’s take on this subject.
Vivaldi’s “page tiling” feature is great for comparison reading and editing.
Works for me, an icon for a t-shirt is useful laundry reminder.
I limit low priority tasks to one hour or less, and often do them near the end of the work day or week. For me it provides the following benefits.
As for battery life... I use a ASUS chromebook C200 for conferences, meetings and general web based computing. So.... in a way my main laptop mentioned above gets less use than it might because I’m not always a ‘power user’ and not always coding or using special software etc.
As a web designer, I agree. too many websites are heavier than they need to be to work effectively. Usually it’s adware but sometimes it’s social media junk... (see bottom right corner of these web pages) :p
It’s 2016, seems people carry more stuff today than they did before the “digital revolution” which was supposed to give us everything in one device. :P
So true... lets see what’s in my pockets right now.
smartphone in a wallet case, keys with a fob, pen, pocket notebook.