I tend to grab a cup of black coffee during that ten minutes. Healthier substitutions have been very useful in accomplishing my goals and maintaining willpower.
I tend to grab a cup of black coffee during that ten minutes. Healthier substitutions have been very useful in accomplishing my goals and maintaining willpower.
I’ve been known to split an agreed upon doughnut with a colleague. I can’t stand seeing 1/2 1/4 heck even 1/8 of a doughnut left behind.
I’d add... uninstall Adobe Flash unless you really need it. Seems like a good number of exploits over the last year have been related to Adobe’s lackluster security practices... Eventually various audio and video websites will take notice and move on from the outdated technology.
The great thing about computers today is that processors haven’t really improved drastically enough to warrant regular upgrades every few years. I’m typing this up on a 2012 model System76 and it’s still plenty fast. Buy for quality and you won’t need to upgrade for 4-5 years.
Good thing you didn’t lead with “Dennis Rodman’s Big Bang in Pyongyang” I’m scared to Google that one... for more than one reason. :)
I’ve been using Redshift a free software plugin for Linux. I think it works pretty well.
Now I just need to figure out a way to do this without spending money or looking tacky.
As long as the employer isn’t paying moving expenses or expected to do so it should be okay. Depending on circumstances the reaction would vary.
Plus lifehacker looks terrible in 720p with its content pushed to the right side of the browser. Many websites suffer from the same design problem.
Hey no white bordered monitors :P
Best part saying no doesn’t have to be like saying “never.” I’m honest and say I can’t get to it for a few days. Often people ask us to things they should be doing themselves. This makes both involved less productive.
I’ve been a fan of Dave Crenshaw’s video series on Time Management. It’s a relatively quick watch (3 hours) and although I do.aln’t use everything he suggests Saying no is part of the advice.
Ignoring stuff can’t be understated. I save numerous good productivity hours staying focused on the task at hand.
Similar I like the YouBrew. It doesn’t handle temperature but it does do individual cups of multiple sizes or carafe.
Similar I like the YouBrew. It doesn’t handle temperature but it does do individual cups of multiple sizes or carafe.
I find next actions to be impractical for the same reasons, building lists to do something can take longer than doing it.
I’m a front end web designer and run into the same issue. Instead of a long detailed list I batch similar tasks and place them on my calendar for 1-2 hours.
Same Here, David Allen’s Getting Things Done is a must read. What this graphic misses can fill a book.
It really depends on who is providing the criticism and their agenda. I’ve ran into several cases where feedback comes way too late in a project that no action could possibly be taken to address a “last minute” attempt at direction.
As a web designer I loop back at my own mistakes almost every day. So it’s not uncommon for think. “What in the world did I do that for?” But what’s amazing is when that mistake is also an example of growth. We realize our errors, learn from them and improve as a result.
Tuition pays the electric bill. Lets hope he only has everything on when it’s actually being used.