Joseph Dickson

Carefully curating your notifications is one of the most immediate fixes. It took awhile, and mine are still only good (not perfect) but I refined my notifications enough to be confidant that I will be notified when something important happens, and I can consequently operate in confidence with the knowledge that if I

Number 4 is the big one IMO. I had a discussion about this recently with a friend. He was constantly getting notifications which he immediately checked. Most of the notifications were from social media and games, so I asked why he has all of them turned on. His response? “Oh I never really thought about it. I guess I

What’s really changed for me about GTD? Contexts got dumped about 5 years ago when I got a smartphone. There’s no point in breaking out “on the phone”, “at the computer”, “in the office” when they’ve become so blurred. What’s become better than contexts is location-based reminders.

I love posts like this. For 45 years I had to-do lists for everything. I bought every DayTimer, PalmPilot and Smart Watch that promised to keep me on track. Now I’m retired, and my to-do list is just a few items like this:

Completely agree. Unfortunately, the only keyboard I’ve found that works the way I want it is this one. I like to have dedicated PgUp/PgDn/Home/End keys. Anyone know of another one to consider?

Hey, I am the CEO. No joke, used to be called Handl :) Our old domain used to be which redirects to now

It bothers me more than they included the ‘e’ on the end.

Does it bother anyone else that they’re calling the Chrome version “Handle for Desktop” rather than “Handle for Chrome”? Some of us do use other browsers.

But the boss is demanding those damn TPS reports are filled out correctly.

Same here. With the exception of food and drinks as needed. But that’s why I HAVE the room in the first place.

I use Shapeways myself, by the way. I digitally modeled and printed the fertility idol from Raiders of the Lost Ark. As one does.

That too, but I meant sometimes they don’t respond at all, and when you ask again they’ll finally provide an estimate on when you’ll hear back or pull the “I was just about to reply”.

Agreed, and on a similar yet related note, it’s never rude to negotiate or at least ask for a realistic timeline. I get requests from senior/exec people and a greener employee might drop what they are doing to work on the executive’s project right away. Instead, I evaluate how long it will take. If it takes less than

It likely boils down to students simply not knowing HOW to properly take notes. The “medium” for taking is not necessarily directly related to the “method” of taking notes. The most ultimate, wiz-bang, note-taking app is pretty much useless if you don’t understand how to take notes effectively.

Technically not EVERY device, but EVERY device certified by CTIA. The certification is IEEE 1725.

Unless its a University email, to which they will say: