It happens slowly, one notification here, one there. Before you know it you’re checking your device 80 times in 8 hours.
It happens slowly, one notification here, one there. Before you know it you’re checking your device 80 times in 8 hours.
I have the the 2015 edition. It doesn’t mention technologies specifically outside of “Email” and “Calendar” in more general terms as collection sources.
Loop Habit Tracker for Android is another good one.
Friday mornings are perfect for my complex coding projects. With the various bosses checked out for the weekend I rarely get interupted until about mid afternoon when something suddenly becomes urgent :)
Personally, I find using Google Calendar a lot faster. I click on the time and write in what I’m planning to accomplish.
I plan my day around a calendar. The most important items get a few hours before lunch but I always leave time for the unexpected. I’ve monitored how I work and how my colleagues work with me.
Expand with “and” and “or” under precise conditions.
Make it as short as possible, especially on replies. so it can be viewed in preview text in most mail platforms.
That charge is robbery and one of the reasons I avoid using cards. Others being.
I schedule grunt work at the end of the day when I’m least productive and pretty much running on auto pilot.
No, No that’s not true. That’s impossible! No, Nooooo!
This does work. I’ve been doing the same for a few years now.
Only so much planning can be done when you’re driving. However, when I did take the bus I usually caught up on news and research. Flip side is it could burn you out to extend the work day by another 2+ hours.
Tip 5. Why should anyone go out of their way to cater to my needs?
So true,
It really does work. I calendar a time to respond if it takes longer than 15 minuters. Then reply letting them know when it’s going to be adderssed. In most cases they’ll reply thank you because it’s now off their to do list.
Automattic updates it frequently so who knows... They may integrate search sooner or later.
The WordPress app for iOS and Android work offline you can easily store posts locally and decide when.... If ever it gets uploaded to your site.
I would add that WordPress can be used as a note taking tool. Their phone app is fantastic and plugins like “Events Calendar” is a decent (not perfect) calendar replacement.