
George Wallace did force his wife Lurleen to run for governor while she was dying of cancer so he could get around term limits and have a puppet governorship. I can only imagine how that affected the children.

Not surprised that she didn’t have a voice growing up.  I imagine that her father saw her and her mother as possessions: southern womanhood that needed protecting and controlling.

Now playing

I wish there were a button I could hit where a swarm of females come out of nowhere and beat his ass. That’s how that video should have ended.

You see the Brett Kava-nope expression on his face at 0:11, as he closes in for that killer move, guaranteed to make all his 55 year old bros high five. To him, her ass was a golden opportunity to be king of the kegger. It’s just locker room talk, with hands!

“I was just goofin’ around herpa derp! I got kids and a wife derpa herp!”

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it


Thanks to you and the other posters, I texted a male friend of mine who will be in the area tomorrow and let him know what’s going on and said I’ll text him the address I’m at and when I leave. He knows how the whole situation has been and can stomp ass when required. I’m already feeling a little better about it.

I’m really appreciating you, mean friend.

We are meeting at a public park for this reason. He’s not physically abusive so I don’t worry about that, though I have told a couple friends what’s going on for that reason. There was no plan so much as “at some points I need to get some of my things” and I was like yup. 

Do you have a friend that is kinda mean? This is where your mean friend will shine. There’s no reason to meet up with him. If you don’t have a mean friend, slip a barista $20 and ask them to get your stuff. And only do that if it’s something sentimental you can’t replace.

Are you meeting somewhere public? If he thinks you “need” to answer questions and that wasn’t on the original plan for the belongings swap, I hope you are and that you can extricate yourself quickly and without incident.

I meet with my ex tomorrow to give back the things that we had at each other’s houses. It’s been about a month since we broke up. He was emotionally abusive and he “needs me to answer some things to the best of my ability” tomorrow. No one said we were going to have a discussion, and I don’t want to talk, but I know

What’s your favorite “holiday romance story” movie? I signed up for a free trial of the Hallmark station and binge watching all the cheese I can. I’ve watched enough of the Christmas Prince movies and need to branch out.

helter Cat Update!

Yesterday I officially became an aunt!! My nephew Carter George arrived just before noon. My sister hasn't given permission to post any pictures on Facebook yet, so I won't share any on here for now.

Why does this country worship guns so much?

Those are so pretty!

Hey Fellow-Jezzies. Hope all are well. Please allow my venting here.

The community college in my town has a culinary arts program, and also credit free classes anyone can take. I wanted to sign up for an Italian cookie class they were having, I was all jazzed about it, sent in my registration, only to find out the class was already full. It was supposed to be this Thursday, so I made