
Thank you, I hadn’t thought of physical changes even though it makes sense. Last year I spoke to my doctor about the depression and he kind of shrugged so I wrote it off. I’m on new insurance so maybe it’ll cover therapy. I appreciate the suggestions, sometimes it helps to know I’m not nuts. That other people go

So previous to the last two years I’ve been very emotionally even keeled. Depression and anxiety came a went pretty quickly and I never really spun out. Last year was a depressive nightmare and for the past few months I’ve been an anxiety ridden mess. The check tire pressure light can on my car yesterday and I had to

I’m sorry it’s not up you’re alley and I agree that better security is always good but it’s one of my favorite museums ever. I’ve always enjoyed wandering around and finding wonderful hidden gems that are odd and you really wouldn’t find in a better curated museum. I love the history of the museum and learning about

Ahhhh, I’m sorry I misunderstood. That’s annoying also though and I’m sorry you have to deal with it. Micro aggressive bosses can wear on you so I really wish I had better advice than stick it out. I’m glad the jobs good otherwise though. 

Young men are tough. I’m in a similar boat, too young for a “mother figure” (gross) too old to be a bro. I’ve been at my job for about 6 months now and I wish I had better advice then just stick it out. If someone has an idea I’m also all ears. I’ve been thinking of reaching out to someone like askamanager. 

I’m so sorry about them and I hope the rest of your stay is manageable. Yay dogs a supportive sisters!

I just recently moved from Iowa, I’m not from there originally, and I wish I could say I was surprised.

That’s a good idea and good luck!

That’s a terrible choice to have to make! I’d make the same decision. 

It’s a newish job but things with him aren’t looking good. He’s the type that seems decent but really fails when it comes down to it. There’s a broken light on the back of the building and I’m campaigning to have it fixed. Wish me luck. 

This! Ever since the daylight savings time change when I leave work it’s pitch black outside the employee entrance of my job. I have to walk a block before there’s a street light and I’m the only woman who’s scheduled to leave after dark. I’m furious and scared every night when I leave. My boss just shrugs off my

Askamanger is amazing! I also pivoted out of the field I was working in for about 10 years. It was making me miserable so I went back to school. I’m hugely in debt but I genuinely like my job now. I can’t recommend changing fields more.

I don’t live near family and can’t afford to travel this year, also I don’t have to work (I’ve escaped retail!) so I think I’m going to make myself a nice meal of things I like and some pie. I’m actually pretty excited! 

As someone with allergies I agree. The last thing anyone else on a plane needs is my sneezing all over the place. Or my face puffing up. Or my lungs closing up. I don’t like flying enough as it is.

That looks like an amazing Saturday and you have really good handwriting.

I’ve got a friend who’s getting married and I feel it’s amplifying some of things I don’t like about our friendship. I’ve always been the peace keeper between her and another friend and I don’t want to do it anymore. I moved access the country from them both a couple months ago and all communication is about the two

I listened to a podcast (sinisterhood) yesterday about this walking dick slit and spent the rest of the day in an utter rage.

This week SUCKS! my sister saw a white supremacist in the grocery store walking around like it was ok to be a white supremacist in public and I just found out my bff was coerced into unwillingly having sex with some asshole. She made it clear she felt it wasn’t rape but she wasn’t ready to have sex with him. I live

I’m going to sound stupid for only getting this now but I just figured out a huge problem is they think everyone actually thinks like them but they are ashamed or in denial. They think it’s ok or totally not rape because they’d be “ok with being woken up with sex”. Like if a woman doesn’t fight back and in the morning

As a fat woman I know people are going to judge me no matter what I wear so I’ve just started to wear what I want. Bold prints are awesome.