
Netflix has a less sweet but also interesting version with glass artists. Glass isn’t my favorite medium, and while I didn’t care for a lot of the stuff they made, watching all the technique was fascinating. Also enjoy The Repair Shop, although it is too sweet for my tastes. That said, the range of skill on display

The “best” are the ones that wrote something like “it ruined my hair” despite the fact that it’s not even a hair care product.

If anybody in real life ever found themselves at the receiving end of that cackle - I promise you that your death would be slow and painful. I had never before heard myself produce such a hateful sound.

An old woman I know told me a story about the time a neighbor molested her when she was a child. She told her daddy and he told her to never say another word about it to anyone ever again. And that night the neighbor was shot to death and his home burned to the ground. No one ever figured out why.

And yet... my mouth hung open and I was speechless for a good ninety seconds when my boyfriend informed me of the verdict. I had stayed away from the news because I feared the outcome so much. I did not expect the arsehole to be convicted of anything. I found my voice again when I clicked on the Jezebl article and

Indeed, I’ve a longstanding adherence to anarchosocialism as the only valid structure... I just never espoused use of force as an ethical option.  In my old age, I’m increasingly radical. 

I was thinking on my way to work today that the Weinstein case ended sort of how we wanted, but will the new narrative be “Now that MeToo has been solved...”

I continue to have a recurring thought, that at some point a culling is necessary, that those who refuse to see their fellow human beings as HUMAN BEINGS have to be excised from the population like gangrenous tissue in order not to poison the whole. It’s an extreme position that appears less and less extreme the

You’re welcome! I found the lead up to menopause to be a roller coaster ride, but once out the other side, it’s been smooth sailing (to mix metaphors), and I realized that I’d been depressed to greater and lesser degrees since I hit puberty at twelve.

I’m sorry you’re going through a tough patch; breathing exercises are one of m “go to’s”, and it sounds like they are for you as well. Moderate exercise can help as well; as little as 10-15 minutes walking every day can help.

You can’t bring other countries into this argument - this is a US decision, full stop.

You realize that all your arguments boil down to, “Well women are biologically inferior to men so of course they should be paid less.” Like it’s actually pretty shocking that you don’t try to hide your misogyny in a different argument like most do, it’s just very plainly stated like nothing is wrong with it and you

And not only that, but the women’s soccer team brought in over $1.5M more in revenue than the men’s soccer team over the last few years. So maybe the men should be taking a pay cut if it’s just about revenue?

The fact that you view women as “low level clients” is pretty awful and I hope one day you have enough perspective to feel ashamed for it.

By your rationale, the men’s team shouldn’t be paid hardly at all because they can’t beat the men’s teams from other countries.

Just a friendly reminder that if you’re going to make the production argument (women should get paid less because they sell fewer tickets/jerseys/advertising minutes/etc.), you are, in fact, making the argument FOR equal pay. Women make less based on production BECAUSE WE ARE SEXIST AF, AND THAT’S WHY THE EQUAL PAY

This is a strange argument because the USMNT doesn’t win against those international teams either.

The fact is that the USWNT could not beat any of the teams the USMNT plays, 9 times out of 10, and everyone involved is aware of that fact.

The fact is that the USWNT could not beat any of the teams the USMNT plays, 9 times out of 10, and everyone involved is aware of that fact.

Clearly, the word ‘natural’ has ceased to have any real meaning...