
I love this movie so much. Frank Langella steals every scene he’s in.

Aw I loved Dave.  But people wouldn't totally see through it. It would be too much a personality change. 

Is it too much to hope for a “Dave” situation, where he falls into a coma, gets replaced with a much better body double, actually solves problems, and then promptly dies?

No. Animals have no business in an airport in anything other than carriers. If you need a peacock to soothe your nerves enough to get on a flight, you need to spend more time in therapy. 

A friend of mine ran it pregnant last year (and was featured in a Nike print ad) and ran it again this year. I’m very proud of Sarah.

I'm so proud of jezebel for their great sports coverage! 

I really appreciate this. It’s awesome to have some sports coverage in this family of websites.

I giddily look forward to the day that Dancing With the Stars declines his agent’s offer to appear as a contestant. I will make a big fucking unfrosted white cake, push two little chocolate chips into the spongey top, and pretend I am eating his stupid head.

Going through something VERY similar, your vent is my vent. It’s hard to figure out how to step back enough.

I don’t know how I managed to retain it after law school! Thank you!

So I had an interesting week. Last Sunday I was just sitting around doing nothing when I got a very intense headache in the back of my head. A lot of pressure, lasted about 5 minutes. And then it went away and I was left with severe neck pain for 4 days before I begged my husband to take me to the ER. I had a CT scan

This is my Saturday: a bar, a glass of wine, and Loki fanfic.  And yes, I hand write my drafts.  How are y’all? 

You deserve better. As someone else said, step away. It’ll hurt at first but, it is all for the best, really. 

Yeah...never relegate yourself to being someone’s “other”. Very rarely is it worth it.

Been a funny old week for me, but I finally had my long service in the NHS recognised at the hospital, receiving a certificate and a badge (not even the right badge 🙄)

I might actually *have* a kitchen soon! I looked at a HUGE apartment today and I’m stoked that my days of living in an RV might be over. I’m already planning what I will bake first. (bara brith with homemade butter)

We still have a plethora of peppers and tomatoes from the garden. I look out the kitchen window and feel exhausted just looking all those ripe/ripening tomatoes. But I made a delicious pasta sauce with three kinds of sauteed peppers, broccoli, and a quick fresh tomato sauce. I took a picture of the pasta dish, but I’m

So it only took nearly six months but finally the work issue has been resolved. Not only in writing have my workplace found me to have committed no wrongdoing of any kind but also will be admitting fault on their part in that it wasn’t handled “completely appropriately”.

I started a new job 2 weeks ago. I was doing fine, then on Friday I could not get anything right and I felt like an IDIOT.

Orphan remains my greatest moviegoing experience. It was just a so-so thriller, but at the big reveal a tween/early-teen girl sitting down the row from us stood up and shouted ESTHER GOT TITTIES at the top of her lungs. It was incredible and probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in public.