
Viola Davis was wearing SNEAKERS under her dress! I am totally down and ok with that.


Andrew should smile more! He’d be more pleasing to the eye without the resting bitch face! And he should go to jail!

Stop it. Stop attacking women for having opinions, speaking out, and trying to make things better. What the hell happened to Jezebel? I’ve been around here for years, and recently the rhetoric has just become so hateful and isolating. This is ridiculous. 

I came here to say this exactly. Why is Jez suddenly hating on every woman who speaks out on something, regardless of whether it’s a good or bad message?

Are they going to continue investigating other departments and professors? I know for a fact that at least one other Department (Chemistry) took donations that were filtered through the Media Lab.

Interesting to see how many headlines a rich man’s horrible behavior has to generate before wealthy institutions decide his money no longer spends. The investigation also found MIT knew enough of the allegations against Epstein to prohibit Ito from allowing Epstein to use Media Lab in an effort to rehabilitate his

I work in higher ed and have obviously been following the MIT and Harvard stories closely. I loved this NYT op-ed by Farhad Manjoo about how these elite institutions’ legitimization of Epstein thru his donations has exacerbated the systematic exclusion of women from STEM fields. Apparently all of the fancy dinners and

This man is so mind-bogglingly stupid. 

Everything we’ve heard about elitism is true. Up here in Massachusetts there are levels to this shit, and people who call it out in even the slightest fashion are marginalized. It’s seductive to be part of these “big thinker” institutions and the money that swirls around them. 

The first thing I did when I retired from sex work was chuck every single pair of stilettos I owned into the goodwill box, because fuck high heels, fuck walking in them, fuck standing in them, fuck ball kicking in them, fuck them for ever.

The teen girl’s mother has also been told by other parents that her daughters need to cover up for “the sake of their sons.”

The Washington Post reports that previously a parent took a photo of her backside and shared it with other parents

Our shared reality now resembles a collapsed pastry. The filling is oozing out from the damaged walls.

We could all learn a lesson in bravery from you my friend. And there’s nothing wrong with admitting that you’re fed up! I’ve heard so often that a person’s mindset is just as, or maybe even more important than their physical well-being when beating cancer - because you are going to beat it - and there’s a definite

God forbid you listen to what women have already told you.

I have a coworker who absolutely “knows the difference,” but keeps approaching the entire thing like it’s some argument that can be won by technicalities. He just sprints right to the absurd. He’ll act like someone can go to jail or lose their job for sexual assault because they gave someone a pat on the butt.

Just remember: HR exists to protect the company from it’s employees. They are not your advocate, champion or friend.

Part of commenting on a women’s website is being empathetic to women’s issues. If you can’t understand why many of us don’t appreciate a man coming in and telling us yet again how much more society can do to accommodate them in the struggle for women’s equality (that isn’t being neutral, btw) before they can handle

You get to trust your instincts when they’re founded on a solid base: women are human being equal to men whose looks are entirely separate from their worth as humans.