
I hate my birthday because trying to do anything with people is always a let down. It’s partially my own fault because I get so stressed from it coming up and wanting not to be disappointed that I get in my head. My friends are banned from my birthday because all I do is make them miserable and then have to apologize a

No!  I’ll have to check it out.  The last thing of hers I saw was “Dr. Foster” which is just wicked, and wonderfully cathartic if what you need to see is a toxic male get his comeuppance...over and over and over...

Just when I thought Suranne Jones couldn’t be any more spectacular...

I’m not even going to search for my own reaction gif to post because your post is perfect.

where do i sign up for ALLLLL of that

Yeah, I’ve never understood the need to establish a hierarchy of pain. Sometimes I think it’s so that they have a measuring stick that’s collective to all cis-het men, so they know exactly how guilty they’ve all agreed to feel for X or Y crime.

I’m looking forward to a year’s worth of comments saying Us is overrated/ Us wasn’t actually that good of a movie/ why does everyone keep talking about Us/ stop shoving Us down our throats. /s

I agree, it must be traumatic for them, in a way that neither I nor most commenters here can understand. With that said, Syed is entitled to a fair trial, and while his guilt might be debatable, I doubt many could claim that his first run through the system was fair. Lee’s family didn’t sign up for this, but if Syed

He makes me think twice about 2020

Reminds me of Donny Osmond.

Not only did this coddled asshole have this cruel and idiotic take, but he thought nothing about expressing it in public, no less.

Read this in Mabel’s voice. 

Dear girls: you are under no obligation to be nice to someone who creeps you out. You do not need to date a guy just because he says you're the love of his life. And you do not have to "give him a chance".

Please do not perpetuate the idea that anytime someone white does something super overtly racist that they have to be mentally ill. Just stop yourself: she’s a lawyer, dressed for the weather, making sure her totebag is secure and minute-by-minute, keeps escalating hitting this woman only to casually exit the train to

I honestly was worried she was going to take out a gun. Now I think she was rooting around for her pepper spray, forgetting it was confiscated.

Yeah, I hadn’t considered just how awful ”life begins at conception” statutes are beyond their prima facie awfulness but I admit I had not gone down this horrific rabbit hole...

Your response is way better than mine. Mine was “Huh.” I mean, when you start jacking around with laws to make them bend to your will, Kansas legislators, I suppose it’s only natural that others would do the same. And, of course, either way women get the short end of the stick. Huh.

Stupidity. It was filled with glorious, flammable stupidity.