
Shouldn’t you have transsexuals in the show? No. No, I don’t think we should. Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy. 

You’re terrible, Muriel...

Also worth noting that Toni Collette gained 40 lbs to play Muriel Heslop in one of the greatest romantic comedies of all time. As an Australian, Rebel should remember this!

I have abandoned the Flat Circle school of thought re: time wonkiness. Now I’m all about the Jeremy Bearimy.

When she’s 18, she might already have two kids. No need to involve Joanna at all!

I have it on good authority that time on earth moves in a straight line. But time in the afterlife moves in Jeremy Bearimy. And since we all die, i ultimately won't matter.

Chip Gaines: “I was told there would be meth no math.”

Matt McConaughey said that time is a flat circle. So that means that if Emmie is 10 and Crew is 1, then in 4 years, Emmie will be 17 and Crew will be an oblate spheroid. That's, like, physics. 

“It’s hard to believe this little turkey [Crew] will only be 10 years old when [second-oldest] Emmie is graduating from high school.”

For those wondering, Crew is short for Crewstopher.

No apology necessary. 

Don’t be sorry. That was a fun read! 

“Jeffrey Dahlmer would have preferred to have eaten me. Everyone is saying it- I would the number one choice for cannibals. Only the best cannibals can buy the taste to appreciate me! There are wonderful people on both sides-BOTH SIDES- of the cannibal issue. Terrific people who are cannibals, and great people eaten

The amount of political bumper stickers (regardless of political leanings) is directly proportional to the nuttiness of the owner/driver.

the sad thing is we can’t make jokes like that anymore because they all come true :(

I’m absolutely sobbing. I keep hearing how these “false accusations” are capable of ruining men’s lives. You know what ruins lives? Being raped.

So I guess anyone in jail or prison for crimes they committed while 17 or younger is just going to be released today, right? Because nothing could possibly have been serious enough to try them as adults or ruin their futures, right?

That’s the same reason female characters fight in bikinis and booty shorts while the men have full body armor in some stories.