
I like flip-flops. On myself. On anyone. I like them ideally to be nice — leather is good, canvas is good, but even crappy Old Navy ones are okay, peeking out from beneath jeans. They add a nice, casual vibe.

I’m binging on Kpop, and fanfic. I have left shame behind. 

I binged Black Sails again, which is probably the best thing out of the GoT “event show” era and is probably better than GoT if I’m honest. The setting better fits the whole “sex, drugs, rock and roll” vibe lots go for while also having great LGBT+ inclusion, diversity, and strong female characters who are as well

Is it just me or does “Border Patrol Officer” sound like the perfect cover job for serial killers, rapists and child molesters? Loners out in the wild attacking vulnerable, nearly untraceable people. <shiver>

Preeeeeetty sure this was the plot of an episode of Criminal Minds.

“We want to reassure the citizens of Laredo that the community and your families are safe”... unless you're undocumented or a woman or a sex worker or...

Why would anyone ever trust law enforcement? It is a thoroughly rotten culture.

90% of our speaking characters are white men... I guess we’d better crank that up to 99% to appease red state America...”

Everything about that was ICK.

I had the exact same reaction to that part. Ew ew ew. 

“Bow to the daddy”

OMG shut the hell up Sammy. She needs to be repeatedly slapped.

Verona wins because he bought Kat a guitar, which is the coolest gift a budding musician could ask for.



Add that it will cause patchy baldness and an inability to eat animal proteins and they will achieve climate management goals in 1/5th the time.

If this actually makes people care, I’ll take it. 

Deep down, we all knew this is what it would take, didn’t we? “My son might have a small dick?! We gotta protect the environment!”

This is the turning point for the environmental movement! It’s starting to affect the dicks so now it’s serious!