
Couldn’t watch past the first episode. Way too many dramatic snap-zooms. Way too in love with the smell of its own farts.

Hazel, you were wiser than I was. I stuck it out for six episodes, then noticed I’d accumulated 3 unwatched on the DVR. (Now deleted). Something was making me resist, and that something was ambivalence. I just didn’t care anymore because there wasn’t one single character to like - and to keep an audience coming back

More proof that mint chocolate is disgusting.

I thought you were asking for help to come up with pet names!

They can guarantee there was no collusion, they can guarantee North Korea has stopped its nuclear program, they can guarantee there is widespread voter fraud, they can guarantee there is no human-caused climate change, they can guarantee Mexico is going to pay for a wall, they can guarantee there was no Russian

By your logic, any endeavor that provides a hard, long, or uphill challenge is done for stupid reasons.

I will accept no other Little Women than the true and correct Little Women. Susan Sarandon IS Marmee.

For real, hippos will fuck you up on a good day.  Do not slap them.

He’ll probably have to be hunted down “Alien” style by a team of special forces troops after Trump’s term is up. He isn’t going to leave voluntarily, and he’s probably going to escape into the HVAC system even if the next President fumigated the WH.

its so cold in the shade

Yeah, but the Irish immigrants of old pulled themselves up by their BOOTSTRAPS, unlike today’s Central American immigrants who are all coming over to live like kings and queens on WELFARE (/s)

His father didn’t care because donny boy learned it his knee. Fuck all these fucking fuckers.

You know the movie The Mummy? I keep picturing the scene where Beni is going through all the different religious symbols before he becomes the Mummy's minion? I picture that every time I see Miller.

If The Root staff come back in white polo shirts and khaki slacks we should contact the CDC.

Nobody is calling him Jimmy Saville, that man was a literal rapist and the devil incarnate. But it’s not great, and it’s worse because he’s Paul Walker. When it’s some middling dude with no prospects who winds up with a 16 year old because they’re impressionable and fall or an older man then while it is creepy and

Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.

I think that’s it in a nutshell. He wanted Obama to love him and Obama called him a fool and became friends with JaYonce. If they get to have a presidential friend than so does Kanye (he thinks like a child). And also agreed on the bipolar disorder. He needs to sitdown with his Netflix and watch Nanette; treating

I think you’re on to something. The combination of 1) untreated/poorly treated mental health issues 2) the trauma of his mother’s death and 3) being in a position for over a decade where nobody ever tells him no, or that’s a bad idea has made him susceptible to a lot of crazy bs belief systems. He’s trying to be

Wake up Mr. West. Your buddy Trump doesn’t give a shit about you or anyone else.