
My niece is heading off to college. She will be a member of the class of ‘22. Knowing this makes me feel like I was born in 1922.

I moved to New York City in 2007 so I felt like I had to like it.

I can’t wait for Mmmmmmm Boooopppppppp trilogy directed by Peter Jackson.

This is like saying I hope her efforts to get a pig to speak French are successful. Ain’t gonna happen and it’s just wasting everyone’s time. Just eat the pig and find a French person.

Yeah, I feel like she’s going to be a Republican no matter what and that’s her choice. At least she’s trying to do some good, though I doubt she’ll be successful. 

You guys remember that episode of MASH where the bomber pilot shows up to the 4077 with no dog tags and no significant injuries, but serious amnesia and claiming to be Jesus Christ? Col. Flagg shows up to investigate, and the guys bring Sidney Freedman in to therapize him.

I applaud her attempts. I’m not going to knock this. I sincerely hope that she is successful in her efforts.

“I honestly don’t know what happened when he got in there. It was extraordinarily disappointing.”

I honestly don’t know what happened when he got in there. It was extraordinarily disappointing.”

I was a jaded recent college grad when The OC premiered. Personally, my high school experience was ruined by Moly Ringwald movies. Why didn’t a hot senior boy with a red Porsche and a heart of gold fall in love with me on my sixteenth birthday? Why wasn’t detention a bonding experience? Why didn’t I get to roll

Skins made me think that about British teens. 

Well, she is only 15 so let’s not be too hard on her, shall we?

How would you get to eat the burger?! Pitch a fit, not a burger.

To be fair Paul Rudd, Picasso was also a twat.

As someone who lives in South Florida and has spent time in Miami, I can empathize with the desire to throw hamburgers at people in Miami, especially bartenders after they tell me my 2 well rum and cokes are 40 motherfucking dollars.

Unless the T-shirt is actually an Old 97's reference.

Paul Rudd forever !!!!!!

Thank you, Chris Pratt, for voluntarily removing yourself from the debate on which Chris is best.

Picasso was a twat too, though.